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Hazardous Waste Program Forms and License Applications
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Notification of Hazardous Waste or Liquid Industrial By-Products (formerly Liquid Industrial Waste) activity for this site.
The Michigan Site Identification Form (Revised 4/2022) must be submitted for certain facilities regulated under Part 111, Hazardous Waste Management or Part 121, Liquid Industrial By-Products (formerly Liquid Industrial Waste) of Michigan's Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451 (Act 451), as amended, and Subtitle C of the Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, RCRA), and the rules there under, to obtain a Site Identification Number (initial notification).
You must also submit the completed form as a component of a Part A, as a component of the Hazardous Waste Report (biennial report), or you may choose to submit the form as a subsequent notification or as part of the Annual User Fee Charge required for certain types of hazardous waste generators.
You may search our database to determine if the site location already exists (even if under a different facility name). If the physical location does not exist in the data system, please download the blank EQP5150 form revised April 2022. Be advised there is a $50 fee for a NEW SITE ID.
If you find that the site you are notifying about does exist in the data system, you will need to download the blank EQP5150 form and enter the current Site ID Number for the Site. Be advised there is a $50 fee for NEW OWNERSHIP of a site with a registered Site ID number.
EQP5150 - Michigan Site Identification Form - Revised 4/2022*
*You must save this file to your computer before completing it. After opening the form using the link above, save the file on your computer for editing. Do not edit the form in your browser; be sure to download the form and open it from your computer.
Should you need guidance on completing the EQP5150 form, please reference the instructions for the "U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Notification of Regulated Waste Activity Form 8700-12." Be advised you may need a PDF Reader to utilize these instructions.
This is the replacement form for:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Notification of Regulated Waste Activity Form 8700-12
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Hazardous Waste Permit Part A Form 8700-23
Michigan Notification of Regulated Waste Activity Form
Identification and Certification Form for EPA Form 8700-13A/B
and it is used in conjunction with the Michigan Hazardous Waste Operating License Form EQP5111.
The $50 User Charge Fee
Requests for the issuance of a Site Identification Number for a hazardous waste generator, transporter, or treatment, storage, or disposal facility or a liquid industrial by-products transporter are subject to a user charge of $50.00. EGLE will not issue a site identification number until the $50.00 user charge has been paid and the payment has cleared. If you are required to pay the $50 user fee charge, you may pay online by credit card (Master Card, VISA, or Discover Card).
If you choose to pay by credit card, you must submit your receipt with the Site Identification Form.
You may e-mail to:
Send via United States Postal Service to:
EGLE, Materials Management Division
Management and Tracking Unit
P.O. Box 30241
Lansing, MI 48909
If you have any questions please e-mail, or call 517-284-6546.
Or the payment may be made by check if the application is submitted with the $50.00 check made payable to "State of Michigan" and mailed to:
EGLE Office of Financial Management
Revenue Control Unit
PO Box 30657
Lansing, MI 48909
To help ensure proper credit, please indicate on the check "Site ID User Charge".
The following are some examples of when the Materials Management Division considers the facility to be "new" and the $50 user charge fee must be submitted with the Site Identification Form (EQP5150):
A Site Identification Number has never been assigned to this physical location. The current owner/business is required to obtain a number.
- A Site Identification Number has been previously assigned to this physical location for a previous owner/business and a new legal entity becomes the owner, said entity is required to obtain a Site Identification Number. A new legal entity may occur:
- If the site is transferred through, for example, a sale,
- If the business becomes incorporated (Inc.), a Limited Liability Corporation (LLC), or a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) and the business entity changes (this could be indicated by a name change),
- If the business is not an Inc., LLC, or LLP but the principals change.
Emergency Site Identification Numbers:
An Emergency Site Identification Number is assigned to any situation where there is an unexpected incident and the cleanup waste can not be accumulated on site because that would further threaten human health and the environment. Reasons why the waste can not be accumulated on site vary greatly but common reasons are there isn't any room to accumulate the waste (e.g., on the side of the road with minimal shoulder), the waste is too dangerous to be left (e.g., flammable and it is a hot and humid summer day), or there are other hazards in the area that means the waste could not be protected. When issued, the emergency Site Identification Number is valid until the immediate threat has been addressed and is provisional upon payment of the requisite $50 user charge. The numbers are site specific and cannot be transferred between locations. Any long term clean up requires the generator to file a Site Identification Form (EQP5150).
To obtain an Emergency Site Identification Number during normal business hours contact EGLE and ask for the Hazardous Waste Management and Tracking Unit at 517-284-6546. During evenings, weekends, and holidays contact the Pollution Emergency Alerting System (PEAS) at 800-292-4706. You will receive a copy of EQP5126 generated from the information received over the telephone regarding your emergency cleanup site. You are required to fill in all of the additional information that is missing, such as the Federal Identification Number. After you have completed the form, write a check payable to the "State of Michigan" in the amount of $50.00 to pay for the issuance of the ID number and mail the check and completed form to:
EGLE Office of Financial Management
Revenue Control Unit
PO Box 30657
Lansing, MI 48909
To help ensure proper credit, please indicate on the check "Site ID User Charge".
EQP5150 - Michigan Site Identification Form - Revised 4/2022*
*You must save this file to your computer before completing it. After opening the form using the link above, save the file on your computer for editing. Do not edit the form in your browser; be sure to download the form and open it from your computer.
The following forms must be submitted by facilities that wish to obtain an operating license to treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste.
- Michigan Hazardous Waste Operating License Application Form EQP5111 (links to the form and the instructions are listed below)
- Emergency Operating License Form EQP5113
- Emergency Operating License Instructions EQP5113I
The federal RCRA Hazardous Waste Part A Permit Application Form: The EQP5111 form plus the EQP5150 form together are Michigan's complete replacement of the EPA Part A form.
The completed and signed forms must be mailed to:
Materials Management Division
Hazardous Waste Section
PO Box 30241
Lansing, MI 48909-7741
The following are the Forms, Instructions, and Microsoft Word Templates for the attachments to the Michigan Hazardous Waste Operating License Application Form (EQP5111).
- Michigan Hazardous Waste License Application Form (EQP5111) and Instructions
- Chemical & Physical Analyses - A2
- Waste Analysis Plan - A3
- Inspection Schedules - A5
- Preparedness and Prevention - A6
- Contingency Plan - A7
- Personnel Training - A10
- Closure & Post-Closure Care Plans - A11
- Closure & Post-Closure Cost Estimates - A12
- Corrective Action - B2
- Hydrogeological Report - B3
- Environmental Assessment - B4
- Environmental Monitoring Programs - B5
- Use and Management of Containers - C1
- Tank Systems - C2
- Subpart AA Air Emissions - C11
- Subpart BB Air Emissions - C11
- Subpart CC Air Emissions - C11
Applicants are advised to consult Part 111, Hazardous Waste Management, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended, and Part 5 of the administrative rules promulgated pursuant thereto for further information regarding the requirements for hazardous waste management facility license applications. Not all of the requirements are embodied in the above listed forms and templates.