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Republic Industrial and Energy Solutions LLC


Ronda L. Blayer

The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE), Materials Management Division (MMD), issued a second renewal hazardous waste management facility operating license (License) to RIES, on September 19, 2023.

RIES is a commercial indoor hazardous waste storage and treatment facility located at 28470 Citrin Drive in Romulus, Michigan. The facility is licensed to store a variety of liquid hazardous waste in containers and tanks and to treat hazardous waste in tanks.

An initial hazardous waste management operating license was issued to the facility on December 27, 2005, and a renewal license on September 26, 2011. The renewal license was subsequently transferred to the new owner, RIES, effective September 25, 2019.

License and Renewal Information

Hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities are highly regulated, highly engineered facilities, with extensive design and oversight requirements. The hazardous waste rules prescribe the standards that must be met in any license action taken by EGLE, including, in part: waste analysis, training, inspections, preparedness and prevention, contingency and closure planning, recordkeeping and reporting, engineering, waste management, environmental monitoring, corrective action, financial assurance, and air emission standards.

EGLE issues 10-year hazardous waste management licenses in accordance with state and federal laws.

The License specifies the hazardous waste activities that can be performed at the facility. Part 111, Hazardous Waste Management, of Michigan's Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended, and the administrative rules promulgated thereunder; and the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, as amended (RCRA), and the corresponding regulations provide enforceable standards for hazardous waste management, from generation to disposal, specify how the facility must operate to protect human health and the environment, and identify EGLE’s authorities in licensing and overseeing facility operations.


Public Involvement

EGLE conducted two separate public comment periods on the license application and draft license, the first from December 30, 2022, to February 16, 2023, and the second from April 3, 2023, to May 4, 2023. All relevant substantive comments were evaluated before issuing a final decision. The Response to Comments and Notice of Final Decision are available electronically. Information regarding the final decision on the draft license will be provided to all persons who submit timely written comments or are on the facility mailing list. EGLE will respond to all significant comments on the draft license, and explain any changes made thereto.

Background Information

EGLE, MMD, conducts oversight of the hazardous waste operations at the facility, conducting inspections at least four times per year. Inspections are typically unannounced and performed to verify the operations meet the license requirements. Although the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) does not permit the facility‘s aboveground hazardous waste operations, they may also conduct inspections to verify compliance with pertinent regulations. The facility has two hazardous waste underground injection wells onsite which are permitted separately at the federal level by the U.S. EPA, are subject to different federal and state requirements, and are not the subject of this renewal license application.

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Through your observations and reporting of activities of concern, you play a valuable role in helping the EGLE protect human health and the environment.  To file a complaint or share details about improper waste handling or disposal, contact EGLE through the Pollution Emergency Alerting System (PEAS) Hotline at 800-292-4706.