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US Ecology Detroit North License Information


Tianna Kilgore
EGLE Environmental Engineer

Regulatory oversight of the US Ecology facility is conducted by the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) and the Great Lakes Water Authority. US Ecology is required to comply with state and federal hazardous waste regulations for the management of hazardous waste. Frequent inspections are conducted by EGLE’s hazardous waste and solid waste programs to ensure compliance with these laws. Inspections are also conducted by EGLE’s Air Quality Division. Extensive monitoring of US Ecology’s discharge to the sewer system is conducted by the Great Lakes Water Authority.

The US Ecology site has been an industrial facility since the 1940s. Waste generated by other locations have been stored and treated at the Georgia Street facility since at least 1974. When the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act governing hazardous waste was enacted in 1976, the US Ecology facility was automatically authorized to continue to operate because it was already operating.

This US Ecology facility is one of fourteen hazardous waste treatment storage and disposal facilities across Michigan. Together, these facilities provide treatment, storage, and disposal options to commercial, industrial, and municipal hazardous waste generators. There are approximately 14,000 hazardous waste generators in the Wayne County area. US Ecology is one of seven operating treatment, storage, and disposal facilities in the Wayne County area. Explore the vicinity map depicting the hazardous waste generators and licensed hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities in the greater Wayne County area.

EGLE issues operating licenses for the management of hazardous waste in accordance with state and federal law. If the applicant proposes a facility that will meet the requirements of the hazardous waste regulations, EGLE is obligated by law to issue the license. While EGLE must issue a license to a compliant facility, EGLE has some discretion in developing license conditions to add safety measures to protect the community. Where hazardous waste facilities coexist with residential communities, EGLE strives to use that discretion to minimize the impact the facility will have on the quality of life of the residents in the neighboring communities.

On January 29, 2020, EGLE issued the renewed US Ecology Operating License pursuant to Part 111, Hazardous Waste Management, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended.  The license authorizes the proposed expansion and allows US Ecology to continue its previously licensed hazardous waste storage and treatment activities. The final license and attachments are available electronically below with additional licensing resources. The license documents are also available for review at:

EGLE, Lansing Headquarters

525 West Allegan Street, Lansing, Michigan;

Contact: Mr. Rich Conforti,

EGLE, Warren District Office

27700 Donald Court, Warren, Michigan

Contact: Mr. Jim Day,

EGLE, Detroit District Office

3058 W. Grand Boulevard, Suite 2-300, Detroit, Michigan

Contact: Main Office,

Detroit Public Library, Knapp Branch

1330 Conant, Detroit, Michigan

Contact: Reference Desk


If you have questions regarding the hazardous waste facility license and application, please contact Tianna Kilgore at 517-230-4395, or EGLE, MMD, P.O. Box 30241, Lansing, Michigan 48909-7741.

US Ecology License – January 29, 2020

US Ecology License Attachments

The following additional licensing resources provide historic background and timeline pertaining to the site and its hazardous waste activity before and after the January 29, 2020 license action.  A final responsiveness summary is currently being drafted and will be posted on this page when it is completed.

To understand US Ecology’s most recent environmental compliance status, please see the US Ecology North Environmental Report Card developed in response to community input.

You are the eyes and ears of your community. Through your observations and reporting of activities of concern, you play a valuable role in helping the EGLE protect human health and the environment. To file a complaint or share details about improper waste handling or disposal, contact EGLE through the Pollution Emergency Alerting System (PEAS) Hotline at 800-292-4706.