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US Ecology Michigan Disposal Waste Treatment Plant Renewal Application Information

The following provides a history of the Michigan Department of Environment Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) review of the US Ecology Michigan Disposal Waste Treatment Plant (MDWTP) hazardous waste treatment and storage renewal application submitted on October 31, 2016 (Application).  As part of this Application, MDWTP has proposed to expand its hazardous waste treatment and storage capacity for its operations occurring at 49350 North I-94 Service Drive in Belleville, Michigan.  MDWTP proposed to increase hazardous waste storage and treatment capacities; conduct treatment outside of the treatment tanks; add the treatment of (D003) reactive sulfide containing waste; add management of hazardous waste containing dioxins; enlarge the boundary of the outdoor Southeast Container Storage Area (SECSA); store trailers holding drums, not immediately off-loaded upon receipt, in the SECSA; and install an additional groundwater monitoring well in the SECSA.  Ms. Sylwia Scott is the contact person for the MDWTP and can be reached by telephone at 734-699-6294 or

EGLE is reviewing the Application to:

  • Determine if the proposed activities comply with all state and federal hazardous waste facility licensing requirements.
  • Evaluate and consider potential impacts that the proposed expansion could have on the local community.
  • Provide the public opportunities to offer input on the proposed expansion. 

EGLE invites public comment on the Application.  Written comments may be provided to Ms. Matlock throughout the review process.  For additional details on this action and public engagement opportunities please see the Action Summary and stay connected by subscribing to the US Ecology Michigan Disposal Waste Treatment Plant mailing list to receive updates from EGLE on the Application and Site activities.

For additional details, please see the electronic copy of the Application below.  To review the Application in-person in EGLE’s Lansing District office, please contact Ms. Vickie Terry at or at 517-284-6546.  To review the Application in-person in EGLE’s Warren District office, please contact Ms. Jennifer Block at or at 586-753-3833.  To review the Application in the Van Buren Charter Township, Clerk Office, please contact Mr. Matthew Best at 734-699-8913.  To review the Application in-person in the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Land and Chemicals Division, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Branch, Mail Code LR-8J, 77 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois, please contact Mr. James Blough at

Application Revisions

  • May 16, 2019 - EGLE, MMD, received additional responses to comments on the Waste Analysis Plan (WAP) from MDWTP, in further response to the Second Completeness Notice of Deficiency.
  1. MDWTP Waste Analysis Plan Comments/Revisions - (5/16/2019)
  2. Table D.2 Land Disposal Restriction Verification - (5/16/2019)
  • January 18, 2019 - EGLE, MMD, received revisions to the MDWTP Application.  The revisions responded to EGLE’s request for additional information identified in its October 30, 2018, Second Completeness Notice of Deficiency.
  1. MDWTP Completeness NOD2 - Completeness Comments from EGLE Air Quality Division (AQD) Comments 1-6 (1/18/2019 Attachment Revisions)
  2. MDWTP Completeness NOD2 Attachments - 1/18/2019 (updates to A.5 Inspection Schedule, A.7 Contingency Plan, A.10 Personnel Training, A.11 Closure Plan, B.2 Corrective Action, B.6 Engineering Plans, C.1 Containers, C.4 Treatment, and C.11 Air Emissions are provided, below under the header "Application and Attachments" )

Notices of Deficiency

  • October 30, 2018 - EGLE, MMD, issued MDWTP notices of deficiency for the Application. MDWTP had submitted additional information for the Application on September 29, 2017; October 30, 2017; and December 8, 2017.  EGLE reviewed the information and determined some aspects to be deficient.  EGLE issued MDWTP a second completeness notice of deficiency.  EGLE and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) reviewed the Waste Analysis Plan (WAP).  The Agencies found the WAP to be deficient and issued a separate notice of deficiency.   
  1. October 30, 2018 Completeness/Technical Notice of Deficiency for Waste Analysis Plan
  2. October 30, 2018 Second Completeness Review Notice of Deficiency


Application & Attachments