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Wolf Five LLC, Former Wyckoff Steel Corporation Corrective Action


Jeremy Pepin

Wolf Five LLC (Wolf) is the current owner of the former Wyckoff Steel Corporation (Wyckoff Steel) site located at 1000 General Drive, Plymouth, Michigan.  Prior to Wyckoff Steel’s ownership, Ampco-Pittsburgh Corporation (Ampco) owned and operated the site from 1965 until 1987.  Both Wycoff Steel and Ampco finished cold drawn steel and operated hazardous treatment, storage, and disposal units that handled waste from their steel production activities.  Steel finishing operations were discontinued in 1990 and Wolf purchased the property in 2015.    

While under Ampco’s ownership, Ampco removed and disposed of contaminated soils and demonstrated having met Michigan’s residential cleanup criteria for the majority of the contamination at the site.  Groundwater contamination is still present at the site, but a restrictive covenant prohibiting use of the groundwater was implemented in 2006 and a groundwater monitoring system was installed that Ampco continues to operate and maintain today. Due to the restriction of groundwater use at the site it has received a limited residential closure designation.  A limited residential closure means that the institutional control measure, in this case the restrictive covenant prohibiting the use of the groundwater, is used to prevent exposure to the contamination.

Corrective Measures Implementation Work Plan

Pursuant to the 2015 Corrective Action Long Term Agreement (CALTA) between Wolf and EGLE, Wolf submitted a proposed Corrective Measures Implementation (CMI) Work Plan in September 2022. EGLE reviewed the CMI Work Plan and provided comments in January 2023.  Wolf submitted a revised CMI Work Plan providing for Wolf to:

  • Remove contaminated soil.
  • Redevelop the site.
  • Ensure that site contamination conditions and exposure pathways remain unchanged.
  • Ensure that the site redevelopment will in not prevent/ disrupt Ampco from operating and maintaining the groundwater monitoring system.

Based on EGLE's Review of the CMI Work Plan, and the comments received during the public comment period that ran from May 17, 2023, to June 16, 2023, EGLE approved of the final CMI Work Plan.

The CMI Work Plan is also available in hard copy for review at the following locations:

  • Lansing: EGLE, MMD, Constitution Hall, 525 West Allegan Street, Lansing, Michigan 48933 (contact Vickie Terry at or 517‑284-6546).
  • Warren: EGLE, MMD, Warren District Office, 27700 Donald Ct, Warren, MI 48092 (contact Jennifer Block at or 269‑370‑8527)
  • Plymouth: Plymouth District Library (Heather Pacheco,, reference desk 734-453-0750 - option 1)

Corrective Action

Environmental clean-up activity performed to address contamination resulting from hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities is referred to as "corrective action" in the hazardous waste regulations.  Hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities are required to submit corrective action plans to EGLE for review and approval.  The corrective action plans provide details on how the site owner(s) and/or operator(s) will investigate and clean-up the contamination to meet standards protective of human health and the environment.  Though the corrective action cleanup process varies from site to site, it typically includes an initial site assessment, site characterization, interim actions, evaluation of remedial alternatives, and implementation of the selected remedy.

Public Involvement

The purpose of public involvement is to ensure that the people interested in a proposed EGLE action are aware of it and have an opportunity to provide input on the action before EGLE reaches a final decision to approve or deny. The community is encouraged to engage with EGLE throughout the review process. 

EGLE held a public comment period from May 17, 2023, to June 16, 2023, and provided the public an opportunity to request a hearing. The comments received during this comment period were compiled and provided comments in the Responsiveness Summary that accompanied the Notice of Final Decision that documents EGLE’s approval of the final CMI Work Plan.

Inspection Oversight

Please see EGLE's Waste Data System to view facility inspection and oversight data for the Wolf, Former Wyckoff Steel site.

How to Stay Connected

Complete this form to be placed on the official Wolf Five LLC mailing list to receive required notifications from both EGLE and the Wolf Five LLC.

Through your observations and reporting of activities of concern, you play a valuable role in helping the EGLE protect human health and the environment.  To file a complaint or share details about improper waste handling or disposal, contact EGLE through the Pollution Emergency Alerting System (PEAS) Hotline at 800-292-4706.