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Spartan Chemical Superfund Site

Another view of excavation at Spartan Chemical. Crane is putting contaminated topsoil into trucks for removal.
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Spartan Chemical Superfund Site


Erik Martinson

MDHHS for Health Base questions
800-MI-TOXIC or 800-648-6942

Chemical Co. operated as a bulk chemical storage, transfer and repackaging plant from 1952-91. During its operation, the company handled a variety of chemicals including aromatic solvents, chlorinated solvents, lacquer thinners and ethers. Prior to 1963, the company discharged its wastewater to the ground. Both above and underground storage tanks were used to store chemicals at the property. EGLE, in consultation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, has performed investigations and remedial actions since the 1990s. During a soil excavation in 2015, EGLE and their contractor observed discolored soil. Sample results of this soil revealed high levels of metals and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which could appear as an air contaminant. Perimeter air monitoring showed that amounts of VOCs in the air were above the target levels set for the project. EGLE's contractor installed a protective cover to prevent the VOCs from escaping into the air until a plan of action could be developed and implemented to safely remove the contaminated soil.


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Recent Public Meeting held May 16, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.
Regarding: Spartan Chemical Superfund Site – Remedial Excavation Public Meeting

EGLE and their contractors performed a remedial excavation at the Spartan Chemical Superfund Site, Wyoming Michigan, during the Summer and Fall months 2023 to remove contaminated soil from the site. This informational meeting discussed the site background and plans for the remedial excavation. This meeting allowed the public to ask questions about the upcoming work at the site.

Public Meeting 5/16/2023 Video

Public Meeting 5/16/2023

This is the recorded public informational meeting for the remedial excavation.

Information Webinar Held 10-1-2020

This October 1, 2020 public meeting presented information about proposed activities at the former Spartan Chemical Superfund site in Wyoming Michigan. The webinar provided an overview of the Spartan Chemical Superfund site history, past environmental investigations and upcoming environmental pilot studies planned for the remainder of 2020. Following the presentation, meeting attendees were provided an opportunity to ask questions of a panel of State of Michigan agency personnel.

Community Outreach at Spartan Chemical

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