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Act 451 Water Quality Rules

The Water Resources Division administers wholly, or in conjunction with other EGLE divisions, rules promulgated pursuant to Parts 31, 41 and 88 of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, Act 451 of 1994.

Part 31 is titled "Water Resources Protection"; Part 41 is titled "Sewerage Systems"; and Part 88 is titled "Water Pollution Prevention and Monitoring". They require or allow for EGLE to develop rules to carry out the requirements of the Parts (see Michigan Compiled Laws, ' 324.3104, '324.3106, ' 324.4104 and '324.8808 ). The rules that have been developed pursuant to this authority are summarized below.

The rules are available in either .HTML, .DOC, .EXE or .PDF format. The .HTML format is viewable in your browser.  A .DOC file downloaded to your computer can be viewed in MS Word 97.  An .EXE file is a large .DOC file that has been compressed to a self extracting file.

The entire Act 451 of 1994 can be viewed at the Michigan Legislature web page.