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Michigan's Statewide E. coli Total Maximum Daily Load
Michigan's Statewide E. coli Total Maximum Daily Load
Contact: Molly Rippke 517-342-4419
When a water quality standard is exceeded, the Federal Clean Water Act requires Michigan to address pollution issues with either a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) or by fixing the problem through other means. For some issues, a remedy is already in progress to reduce pollution. This is not the case for E. coli across the state. This TMDL will provide a framework for restoration of water quality.
Routine testing has shown E. coli levels in many areas are above the standard. These levels increase the risk of illness upon contact or incidental ingestion of the water. Given the extent of this problem, and the multitude of potential sources, a statewide approach will be more effective and more efficient at addressing this issue. To learn more, please visit the E. coli in Surface Waters page.
Long term solutions to bacterial problems can only be accomplished through a collaborative approach. In addition to its work on effective National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit requirements and corrective actions on illegal sources, EGLE is looking for assistance from landowners, local health departments, conservation districts, other state and local agencies, and environmental groups to focus voluntary improvements in areas where nonpoint sources are a problem. Please see our Guide for Homeowners to find out how you can help reduce E. coli contamination of our rivers, lakes and beaches.
If your group is interested in a presentation on E. coli or TMDLs, please complete the TMDL and water quality presentation request form.
Interactive Mapping Tool
To support the TMDL, a statewide, interactive mapping tool is available to assist in identifying impacted areas as well as provide resources for getting involved in efforts to reduce the E. coli levels. The purpose is to encourage and empower local communities to protect our waters.
Mapping Help
A map help document is available.
Videos will help you to perform the following tasks in the mapper:
- Video: How do I find out if my facility or location is in a TMDL?
- Video: How can I find E. coli data for lakes or rivers near me?
- Video: How can I find out information on potential E. coli point sources (NPDES discharges) near me?
Statewide E. coli TMDL
The Statewide E. coli TMDL was approved by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) on July 29, 2019.
- Statewide E. coli TMDL and EGLE Responses to Public Comments
- 2018 Addendum and EGLE Responses to Public Comments, 2018
- 2020 Addendum and EGLE Responses to Public Comments, 2020
- 2022 Addendum and EGLE Responses to Public Comments, 2022
- 2024 Addendum and EGLE Responses to Public Comments, 2024
- Statewide E. coli TMDL fact sheet
- Frequently Asked Questions
Success Stories
EGLE is providing success stories to inspire organizations and communities as they implement the E. coli TMDL. These stories include situations where E. coli impairments have been remedied completely, but also where complex problems are being addressed to gradually reduce E. coli in surface waters. As progress is made and new successes are documented, EGLE will continue to add to this collection.
- Livestock exclusion fencing improves bacteria levels during dry weather in Cool Creek
- Tributary to River Raisin: Failing Septic Systems
- Tyler Creek: Incremental Steps to Improvement
- Pilgrim River: Elimination of Raw Human Sewage Discharges
- Chrysler Beach (St. Clair River): Success through Collaboration
Webinars and Public Meeting Recording Available
Public Meeting Recording (May 9th, 2017) - Recording temporarily unavailable
EGLE hosted a public meeting (in Lansing and via webinar) on May 9th, 2017 to discuss the revised statewide E. coli TMDL. This presentation gave an overview of the TMDL with a focus on revisions that have been made based on public comments and frequently asked questions. In addition, EGLE hosted the following Webinars:
- Webinar 1: General Overview of the Statewide E. coli TMDL - Recording temporarily unavailable
- Webinar 2: Nonpoint Sources - Recording temporarily unavailable
- Webinar 3: Information for MS4 Permittees - Recording temporarily unavailable
- Webinar 4: Information for Industrial Stormwater Permittees - Recording temporarily unavailable
Additional Resources:
Links to Other EGLE Web Sites:
- Michigan Sections 303(d), 305(b), and 314 Integrated Report
- MiEnviro Site Explorer
- Combined and Sanitary Sewer Overflow (CSO/SSO) Database - (within MiEnviro)
- BeachGuard System (beach closures and sampling results)
Implementation Guidance Documents:
- Conducting a Subwatershed-Scale Source Survey - Remote Sensing
- Locating Priority Areas for Septic System Investigations
- Conducting a Subwatershed-Scale Source Survey - Field Inventories
- E. coli Pollutant Source Identification Data Sheet
NPDES Permit Holders:
- Understanding TMDL Requirements (for Industrial Stormwater)
- Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4)
- MiEnviro link