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FAQ: Wellogic

A screenshot of water wells scattered across lower eastern central Michigan
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

FAQ: Wellogic

Wellogic is the web-based data entry program developed by the state of Michigan in 2000 to provide an easy and efficient method for water well drilling and pump installation contractors to submit water well records. Electronic well record submittal satisfies state and county water well record submittal requirements.

Water well records from January 2000 and later are being entered into Wellogic by contractors, local health departments, and EGLE. Both water well and pump records and abandoned well plugging records are being entered into the database. Each record is automatically stamped with the date and time of submittal. Local health departments retrieve the contractor-submitted records electronically out of Wellogic and print them for review.


  • No, it's free!

  • Simply click on "forgot password" link in the log-in area. After entering your User ID and answering 2 of the challenge questions you set up the first time you logged in, you will be sent an email with further instructions. If you don't remember your challenge questions, simply email for a password reset.

  • There are two links on Wellogic's homepage to download the data. One contains lithology and one does not. The Wellogic data is updated weekly.

  • Since February 2000.

  • Wellogic contains water well and pump records, pump installation only records, and abandoned well plugging records.

  • The quickest way to contact the Wellogic Help is to send an email to

  • Yes, anyone can search for well records. However, data entry and data modification are reserved to contractors, local health departments, and State of Michigan staff.

  • The quality of the data submitted is better due to error checks, it is quicker and easier to submit them electronically, and it provides a professional-looking document for your customer.

Searching and printing records

  • Yes, simply go to the search screen and enter your User ID in the "created by" field and click "search". Remember that you are limited to retrieving only 250 records at a time, so you may need to narrow your search by location or date range.

  • You may retrieve up to 250 records at a time. If more than 250 records are found, you will be asked to modify your search criteria.

  • If the well was installed in 1999 or earlier, go to EGLE Scanned Water Well Records to search for it. That site has scanned copies of the well records searchable by county, township, town/range, and section. Wellogic is primarily well records 2000 and newer. You can also contact the local health department. Sometimes they have well records that the State of Michigan doesn't have.

  • Well address and well owner are wildcard fields that must be used correctly. The best way to use these fields is to enter only the main part of the search term (street name, owner last name). For example, to search on the well address "100 Main Street", enter only the street name, "Main". This will retrieve every record with "Main" in the well address, instead of limiting you to those that were entered exactly as "100 Main Street".

Submitting records

  • Yes, EGLE and some local health departments enter the well records that the contractors don't enter. 80-85% of the well records are submitted directly into Wellogic by contractors.

  • No, local health departments retrieve the contractor-submitted well records directly out of Wellogic. However, you do need to print a copy of the Wellogic record and sign and date it for your customer.

  • Yes, Wellogic Administrators and local health departments have the rights to modify well records. Contractors can only modify those records which they submitted within 10 days of that submittal.

  • Yes, a contractor has 10 days to make changes to a record they submit provided they submitted within the 60 day submittal requirement. Those records that are available for modification can be found on the "Well Records Available to Modify" tab.

  • Send an email to the Wellogic Help at and simply include the Well ID and what needs to be changed. You will receive an email response after the change is made.

  • No, only the Wellogic Administrator can delete well records. To delete a record, send an email to and be sure to include the Well ID and the reason for deletion (e.g. entered record twice).

  • They compare the date of completion to the date you submitted the record located in the bottom right corner of the record.

  • No, several fields such as Tax Number and Permit Number are not required fields in Wellogic. However, if the local health department requires them and/or you have the information,  you should enter it. Other fields may not be required depending on the drilling method or construction.

  • These fields are used only for Type I and Type II public water supplies. While these fields are not required, the information can be obtained from either the local health department (Type II wells) or EGLE (Type I wells).

  • Yes, Wellogic allows you to link plugging records, well deepening record, and pump installation records to the original drilling records.

  • No, Wellogic allows the contractor to modify a record at any time to submit the pump installation. So, the drilling record can be submitted, and the record modified at a later date by the contractor to add the pumping equipment.

  • Send an email to the Wellogic Help at and include the Well ID and the reason for the change.

  • First, choose "Other" from the pick list and then type the information into the notepad and click "Ok".

  • Simply log-in and click "Profile". Click on your county list and add or delete counties as needed. You can also modify your name, email address, phone number, and fax number.

  • There are different options available to you to check the accuracy. Within Wellogic, you can click on the "check latitude and longitude accuracy" button on the coordinate data entry screen. This will bring up a map showing the location of the well based on the latitude and longitude entered. It also compares that location to the location (county, township, town/range, section) that was entered on the Well Details screen. You have the option to move the well location on the map and update the data entered. After submittal of the record, you can check the accuracy of the latitude and longitude by using an online mapping tool such as EGLE's Water Well Viewer or Google Maps.