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By the Numbers: EGLE develops 35 new features on its Maps and Data Portal

In 2022, EGLE developed eight new interactive web maps and dashboards, five new story maps, 21 new open data items, and one new hub site, for a grand total of 35 new features shared on the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE)'s Maps and Data Portal, the central location for maps and data.

The new features -- ranging from test results in high profile pollution events to where grants and loans are going -- are part of EGLE's commitment to transparency and accessibility. The agency continues to work to make information and data available quickly on the EGLE website.

Biomonitoring story map graphic

Here are the top three featured items in each category:

Featured New Web Maps and Dashboards

1. Michigan Water Infrastructure Funding and Financing Dashboard

Published in September 2022, this dashboard is meant for general information about current and historical projects funded through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund. It is continually updated with new projects as they come in. This is also by far the most viewed item that EGLE published in 2022.

2. Tribar Release Sampling Results

Published in August 2022 and following a release of hexavalent chromium to the Wixom Sewage Treatment Facility from Tribar Manufacturing in Wixom, MI, this map displays the results from EGLE's monitoring results.

3. MiEJScreen Web App-Executive Summary Draft

Published in March 2022, MiEJScreen is an interactive mapping tool that identifies Michigan communities that may be disproportionately impacted by environmental hazards. The map allows users to explore the environmental, health, and socioeconomic conditions within a specific community, region, or across the entire state. These data sets can be viewed individually or combined into a final MiEJScreen score that allows users to understand how communities experience Environmental Justice impacts relative to others.

Featured New Story Maps

1. Biological Monitoring of Michigan’s Rivers and Streams

Published in February 2022, story map, first published in February 2022, details where biological monitoring has occurred in Michigan, including links to the most recent biological survey reports and contact information for the appropriate EGLE bio logical survey staff person. This story map received the “Analytic Presentation Honorable Mention” award at the 2022 IMAGIN GIS conference!

2. Bioengineered Shoreline Protection on Inland Lakes

Published in May 2022, this story map details what bioengineering and includes examples from many successful projects in the state. Bioengineering is a flexible method of shoreline protection that is used to stabilize inland lake shorelines to prevent erosion while protecting and enhancing fish and wildlife habitat on Michigan's inland lakes. Bioengineering uses a combination of native plantings and natural or biodegradable materials to engineer shoreline protection that, to the extent possible, mimics and or enhances the natural landscape.

3. How Landfills Work

Published in December 2022, this story map details how landfills work, specific to the State of Michigan, and includes information on disposal regulations, landfill term definitions and glossary, and what a day at a landfill is like.

Featured New Open Data

1. Underground Storage Tanks

Published in May 2022, this data includes the locations of underground storage tanks that are either licensed by the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) and/or are leaking underground storage tanks that are regulated by the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE). Many businesses utilize underground storage tanks for products such as gasoline, diesel fuel, and other liquid chemicals. Environmental damages and safety risks can result from improper installation and maintenance as well as degradation of the tanks over time.

2. Wellhead Protection Areas (WHPA)

Published in August 2022, EGLE’s source water protection program includes identification of areas where groundwater is used to supply drinking water to communities. A Wellhead Protection Area (WHPA) is the surface and subsurface area surrounding a water well or well field, supplying a public water system, through which contaminants are reasonably likely to move toward and reach such water well or well field. It is that area which contributes groundwater to a public water supply well.

3. Fuel Transformation Program Grants

Published in August 2022, the Fuel Transformation Program (FTP) provides grant funding for the replacement of qualifying diesel vehicles, vessels, and equipment with new, cleaner versions that have low to no emissions. Grants to support this transition are made available through Michigan's $64.8 million allocation of Volkswagen settlement funds. This data shows the completed and in-progress grants. This data is featured in our Fuel Transformation Program Dashboard.


In addition to the content featured above, EGLE is excited to share the launch of a new community engagement hub site for the Michigan Green Schools program in November 2022. This site features a map and data related to the Green School program as well as streamlines the application process to make it easier for schools, administrators, county coordinators and EGLE staff to administer the program.

EGLE also celebrated GIS Day in 2022 by highlighting five staffers that use GIS in their work. Read the feature in the EGLE Career Series: Fast Five with EGLE staffers on GIS Day.

To learn more about how EGLE is using GIS technology, you can also check out the What Makes EGLE Spatial story map. Visit EGLE's centralized location for maps and data to see all of our public GIS content. You can also Subscribe to the EGLE Maps and Data Updates GovDelivery list to get an email straight to your inbox when we publish new datasets or mapping applications.