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By the Numbers: Efforts make headway against aquatic invasive species

Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) efforts to stop the spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS) in Michigan took many forms in 2022: grants, educational webinars, mobile boat-washing stations, and more.

Two students & Mobile Boat Wash crew members clean a boat at Lake Ovid

Two students and mobile boat wash crew members clean a boat at Lake Ovid.


The Michigan Clean Boats, Clean Waters mini-grant program awarded approximately $26,000 to lake associations, paddling groups, conservation districts, nonprofit organizations, and others for 11 projects focused on preventing the introduction and spread of AIS via recreational boating.

Local partners such as lake associations and Cooperative Invasive Species Management Areas (CISMA) hosted outreach events at 67 boating access sites throughout Michigan as part of Michigan’s AIS Landing Blitz during AIS Awareness Week in July.

EGLE and partners distributed more than 50,000 pieces of AIS outreach materials such as towels, key floats, signs, rack cards, and brochures throughout Michigan.

AIS prevention billboards aimed at recreational boaters were featured throughout the summer at six priority locations in Michigan.

EGLE hosted 10 NotMISpecies Invasive Species Webinars, with at least 1,500 live views and thousands of additional views of recordings, focused on how agencies, universities, and local organizations work together to protect Michigan’s natural resources from invasive species.

EGLE used its two mobile boat washers at 43 events in 2022 to wash more than 130 watercraft to prevent the spread of AIS and raise awareness among recreational boaters throughout Michigan.

Herbicide treatment and manual efforts removed aquatic invasive plants from three Michigan sites in 2022. Parrot feather was eradicated from two sites in Jackson and Calhoun counties, and yellow floating heart was eradicated from a site in Kent County. The Jackson and Kent sites have been undergoing eradication efforts since 2016, and the Calhoun site since 2019. Sites were deemed eradicated after three years of subsequent monitoring without the target species being present.