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By the Numbers: EGLE's videos on YouTube reach milestones in 2022

Videos posted by the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) on its YouTube channel reached several milestones in 2022.

  • 167,000 views (up 12% from 2021).
  • 12,500 hours in watch time (up 35% from 2021).
  •  419 more subscribers (for a total of 2,927).

Screenshot of EGLE YouTube video on Green Chemistry 

Screenshot of EGLE video on YouTube. 


EGLE’s most popular content on YouTube was:

  1. Invasive Species the Basics
  2. What is Green Chemistry?
  3. Industrial Storm Water Annual Training
  4. How to Flush your Home When Water Services are Restored
  5. This is EGLE
  6. ISWO Training 1/9
  7. Invasive Species Stop the Spread
  8. Storm Water Employee Training
  9. Stormwater Visual Assessment
  10. EGLE Classroom – Hazardous Waste 101

EGLE published 155 videos publicly in 2022. Of the 155 videos published, 40 were public meetings or hearings that were monitored by EGLE’s Training and Outreach Section.

These statistics and analytics do not include viewership or impressions on other social media platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.