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EGLE invites K-5 students to participate in Earth Day poster contest

The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) is inviting kindergarten – 5th grade students to participate in the Michigan Earth Day 2023 poster contest. Winners will be honored in an online ceremony.

Earth Day Logo 2023

Poster content must be Michigan-themed. Students will need to include wildlife, plants, land, or freshwater ecosystems native to Michigan in their Earth Day 2023 Poster. They can be hand-drawn or created on a computer. If fashioned by hand, the submitter must take a photo of it and save it to a PDF (portable document format) file. For judging purposes, a horizontal or landscape orientation is recommended for the poster because it presents better in a Microsoft PowerPoint slide.

Each school will hold their own contest and submit only the top three posters per grade (K-5) for each school.

The PDF poster inserted into the PowerPoint template provided will be submitted electronically by March 3 to

  • The PowerPoint template contains designated lines for the student’s name, grade, school, city, teacher’s name, and an email address. The template is also available online at
  • Posters will be judged based on the student’s creative use of native Michigan wildlife, plants, land, or freshwater ecosystems. Winners of the contest will be notified by April 7. The winners will be honored in an online ceremony that will be posted the week of April 16 on the Earth Day webpage.

Contact EGLE’s Pam Howd at 517-282-8357 or with any questions.