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Michigan Environmental Education Curriculum Support releases updated units in 2023

EGLE provides a Michigan-specific environmental education curriculum for teachers to use in grades 3 to 12.

Michigan Environmental Education Curriculum Support (MEECS) contains seven Michigan-specific units that provide opportunities for students to learn about Michigan's economy and environment through inquiry oriented, data-based lessons in Science and Social Studies.

Two of the most popular units, Water Quality and Ecosystems & Biodiversity, have been revised to better align with Michigan’s Next Generation Science Standards and are being released in Spring 2023. An update to the Climate Change unit is also in process and will be released in July 2023. 

Participants in the MEECS Train the Trainer event illustrate a “water story” as part of an activity from the new MEECS Water Quality Unit.

Participants in the MEECS Train the Trainer event illustrate a water story as part of an activity from the new MEECS Water Quality Unit.


Development of the MEECS units began in 2002, and the project has been funded and managed by EGLE since that time in partnership with the Michigan Geographic Alliance at Central Michigan University. Experts from Western Michigan University, Michigan Technological University, and Grand Valley State University, as well as numerous teachers and environmental education professionals, have participated in the writing process. Since their development from 2002 to 2006, they’ve been field tested by over 200 Michigan classrooms and have reached roughly 8,000 educators and 400,000 Michigan students.

The units include Air Quality, Climate Change, Ecosystems & Biodiversity, Energy Resources, Land and Environment, Land Use, and Water Quality. Lessons can be used individually, adopted into a school's multi-year science curricula, or combined to form the basis for an integrated science course. All units are designed to increase appreciation and understanding of Michigan's environment and its role in Michigan's economy.

The MEECS units were designed to meet Michigan’s academic content standards for science and social studies. In 2015, Michigan adopted a new set of science standards, the Next Generation Science Standards, which focus on 3-dimensional learning that integrates scientific practices, key knowledge and concepts, and crosscutting concepts that reach across multiple fields. This shift prompted the updating of existing MEECS units to meet this new approach to science education.

On March 8th, EGLE and CMU staff trained 14 educators from Lake Superior State University, Inland Seas Education Association, Huron-Clinton Metroparks, and Grand Valley State University to become facilitators for the new Water Quality and Ecosystems & Biodiversity units. These four organizations, along with EGLE Classroom, will offer over 30 MEECS workshops for educators from June through December of 2023 to introduce them to the redesigned units.

Interested in checking out the new units? Attend a free workshop in 2023 to be the first to get access! Workshop dates will be posted on

The full suite of MEECS activities will also be featured as a “MEECS Week” strand at Michigan DNR’s annual Academy of Natural Resources July 9-14 in Roscommon, Mich. Registration is open now!