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EGLE sponsors radon mitigation course in U.P. to help businesses start or expand radon services

The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE), in partnership with the Kansas State University National Radon Program Services, is sponsoring a three-day, in-person National Radon Proficiency Program, radon mitigation certification course in Marquette early September. It marks the first time the course is being offered in the Upper Peninsula.

Advanced diagnostics radon class. Courtesy of Kansas State University.

Advanced diagnostics radon class. Courtesy of Kansas State University. 


Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that you cannot see, smell, or taste.  There are no short-term side effects that could cause alarm or warn of its presence. Long-term exposure to radon increases the risk of developing lung cancer, which accounts for more deaths in both men and women than any other form of cancer in the United States.

Les Smith, EGLE’s indoor radon specialist, recommends testing for radon every two years or after renovations or alterations are made to a building, regardless of whether it is a home, school, or office building.  “I encourage everyone to test,” he said. “It’s simple to test and simple to fix.”

EGLE makes radon test kits available to Michiganders through local health department partners. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends installing a radon mitigation system if radon levels are confirmed above 4 picocuries per liter.

This radon mitigation course provides the certification necessary to start a new radon service business or expand an existing heating, air conditioning, ventilation, plumbing, construction, or environmental consulting business to provide radon services. Successfully completing a radon measurement course is a prerequisite to joining the mitigation training.  Those attending the course will learn:

  • Radon mitigation strategies.
  • Radon entry and behavior.
  • Radon investigation and diagnostics techniques.
  • Hands-on radon mitigation installation techniques.

Anyone interested in the course offering should register or contact Les Smith, at 517-388-6913 or  Adequate participation is needed by August 21st for EGLE to sponsor the training.  For more information about radon, including the radon measurement and mitigation standards, go to