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EGLE partners with the City of Detroit and EPA on Environmentally Beneficial Projects list

The City of Detroit, Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes & Energy (EGLE), and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are soliciting ideas from the community to create an environmentally beneficial projects (EBP) list for Detroit.  The goal is to create a list of project ideas generated by community members and community groups that can serve as a resource for future funding opportunities.  To be acceptable, an EBP idea must benefit Detroit residents by reducing pollution in the air, water, or land.

City of Detroit, EGLE and EPA staff present information on the Environmentally Beneficial Projects list in the Summer of 2024.

City of Detroit, EGLE and EPA staff present information on the Environmentally Beneficial Projects list in the Summer of 2024.


Although there is no guarantee that a project idea will be implemented, project ideas can be a starting point for further community engagement by entities looking to do environmental projects in Detroit. Project ideas from the Detroit EBP list could also be modified to suit the funding opportunity before they are approved and implemented.

Getting the word out

The three agencies conducted two public events to raise residents' awareness. In addition, the agencies have been meeting with environmentally focused community groups to share this opportunity.  The goal of the informational meetings is to set expectations about the process and educate participants regarding the various project funding mechanisms. Participants were not expected to bring fully formed ideas to the meetings; rather, ideas were requested to be submitted via webpage and email when ready.

More about the available projects

Eighteen projects have been submitted to date from five city districts.  Topics of these potential projects including tree planting, air filtration, hazardous waste pick-up, emergency preparedness, and stormwater education.

Ideas may be submitted via a City of Detroit webpage and email.  Ideas may be submitted during some public meetings.   No minimum level of detail is required, but more specific project ideas are more likely to be chosen for implementation.  Residents are encouraged to include the following information in their project submittal:

  • Description of the project idea
  • Description of the environmental benefits of the project, including information about pollutant(s) reduction and health benefits
  • Description of how the project benefits the Detroit area
  • Project location and ownership, if known
  • Projected timeframe
  • Estimated cost (initial capital costs and long-term operating costs)


There will not be a deadline for submitting project ideas.  The Detroit EBP list is intended to be a living list that can be requested by potential project implementers and shared by the City of Detroit, EGLE, and/or EPA when funding opportunities arise.

Submitting an idea is easy!

  • Simply visit Detroit's EBP Submittal Page. Enter your details and then click “Submit”.
  • Send an email to or call 313-350-1384

    Interested in learning more about a specific potential project?

  • Send an email to or call 313-350-1384

    There are a variety of potential uses for the list, including:

  • Companies looking to do a supplemental environmental project as part of an enforcement action in Detroit.
  • Community Benefits Projects.
  • Philanthropic organizations looking for vetted environmental projects.
  • And more!