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Clean Air Act (Title V) Renewable Operating Permit Webinar Series

Renewable Operating Permits (ROPs) are permits for major sources of air pollutants. These permits are typically are a conglomeration of a stationary source's existing permits. Unlike other permits, the ROP must be renewed every five (5) years. The process of getting, renewing, or even changing an ROP can be complicated.

This webinar series focuses on facilities in Michigan that either have an issued ROP, are in the process of applying for an initial ROP, or are working with these facilities.  Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) air quality specialists will discuss best management practices on a variety of topics, including applications, modifications, reporting, compliance assurance monitoring, and testing all related to ROPs.

If your facility has a Title V ROP, is going to be becoming a major source of air pollutants, thinking about modifying your permit, or you just want to get a better (and deeper!) understanding of the Title V ROP process - this webinar series is for you!

Recorded Webinars in the Series

Initial ROP Applications: What is needed and working with AQD (recorded 6/26/19, 60 min)    
Initial ROP applications can be daunting! Applying for an initial ROP is very different from renewing one. This webinar will walk you through what is needed to submit a complete application as well as point you to tools you can use to save time and frustration.

Working with AQD during the application process - Best Management Practices for renewal ROP applications (recorded 7/31/19, 62 min)
AQD has made great strides in simplifying the renewal process, however things do continue to change, and things are probably be done differently than the last time you renewed. In this webinar AQD staff go over best management practices for a complete application, as well as talking about things like, what can and cannot be changed during the renewal process.

Making changes to your ROP (recorded 8/21/19, 60 min)
Times and technologies change, business changes, but your ROP only gets renewed every five (5) years. Sometimes you cannot wait to make a change to your ROP. Some changes are easy, and some are more challenging. Which category does yours fall into? This webinar will talk in detail about and give examples of changes and when and how to make them in your ROP.

Compliance Assurance Monitoring - When you need it and what it means (recorded 9/18/19, 60 min)
Compliance Assurance Monitoring or CAM conditions are only needed in some ROPs for some types on control equipment. Do you know if your ROP needs this language? How do you decide? This language will be in addition to language in your other permits.  This webinar will boil down CAM requirements and simplify determining whether conditions should be added into your ROP and, if they are, what reports are needed to show compliance.

What if it's not in the PTI, but I need it in the ROP? (recorded 10/23/19, 47 min)
In addition to Compliance Assurance Monitoring, there may be other State and Federal applicable requirements needing to be included in your ROP not included in your original Permit to Install. In this webinar we will discuss exempt emission units, consent orders/judgments, and updated MACT/NESHAP requirements (including area source MACTs). ADQ staff will also show examples of how to integrate these applicable requirements into your ROP.

Deviation, semi-annual, annual and other ROP related reports  (recorded 11/13/19, 60 min)
A large part of the ROP process is completing and submitting complete and timely reports. Even experienced users may be challenged to always submit complete and timely reports. These reports can be cumbersome and to ensure that your responsible official is certifying accurate data, much work needs to be done. AQD will discuss the proper way to fill out and complete these reports as well as discussing information that should not be overlooked and other additional things that require reporting. 


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