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Mid-Michigan Flooding - Major Disaster Declaration

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Mid-Michigan Flooding - Major Disaster Declaration

Public Infrastructure and Services

Public Assistance, as provided under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, supplements the efforts and available resources of State and local government to restore, repair, or replace damaged public and certain private, non-profit facilities or services.  Public Assistance includes emergency work (emergency protective measures and debris removal) and permanent work, such as permanent repair, restoration, or replacement of damaged facilities.

FEMA Public Assistance Applicant Briefing
Wednesday, July 22, 9:30 a.m. EST

CLICK HERE For Details


Homeowners and Individuals

Individual Assistance provides financial assistance and direct services to eligible individuals and households who have uninsured or underinsured necessary expenses and serious needs. This may include assistance for temporary housing and housing repairs, critical disaster-related expenses, and the replacement of essential personal property.