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Mid-Michigan Flooding - Individual Assistance

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Mid-Michigan Flooding - Individual Assistance

Notice to Homeowners:

Michigan residents from Arenac, Gladwin, Iosco, Midland and Saginaw counties who were affected by the severe storms and flooding of May 16 – 22, 2020, may call or go online to register for disaster assistance from FEMA.

Individuals, including those who use 711 relay or VRS, are encouraged to call 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) while those who use TTY can call 1-800-462-7585. The toll-free telephone numbers will operate from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. ET seven days a week until further notice.

Another option is to register online at or through the FEMA App.

A Document Drop-off Center (DDC) will be open in the five affected counties starting in August. 

Information that applicants need to provide includes the following:

  • Social Security Number;
  • Daytime telephone number;
  • Current mailing address and address and zip code of the damaged property; and
  • Private insurance information, if available.

When an applicant registers, each is given a unique registration number. The registration number is important and should be written down and kept handy.

Disaster survivors who called FEMA but did not finalize their registration and those who reported damage only to local authorities still need to contact FEMA to receive FEMA assistance. Anyone who does not have a registration number is not yet registered.                                              

FEMA fact sheets and related resources:


If you have immediate needs related to the flooding that you are unable to meet on your own, please call 211 to request assistance.

For additional information or questions about Individual Assistance, please contact Sara MacRae, State Individual Assistance Officer, at or 517-512-4143.