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Pedestrian Safety

Pedestrian Safety

Pedestrian Safety

When a pedestrian is struck by a vehicle, more than 80 percent of the time the pedestrian is killed or seriously injured. In Michigan, more than 100 pedestrians die each year. Most of these deaths occur between 6 p.m. and midnight, with many fatalities occurring when pedestrians cross the roadway somewhere other than at an intersection or when a driver fails to yield.

Pedestrians must:

• Use sidewalks whenever available.

• Obey traffic signals, signs, and markings.

• Cross streets at a corner, using traffic signals and crosswalks whenever possible.

• Face traffic and stay as far to the left as possible if traveling on the roadway.

Pedestrians should:

• Always stop at the edge of a parked car, curb, or vehicle before walking out into traffic.

• Look left-right-left before crossing a street and continue looking while crossing.

• Make eye contact with drivers prior to crossing roadways.

• Be visible: wear reflective clothing and lights at night and wear bright colors during the day.

• Never allow children under the age of 10 to cross the streets alone. Young children do not have the skills to accurately judge traffic risks.

Drivers must:

• Stop before entering the marked crosswalk limit line.

• Stop before entering the intersection if there is no crosswalk or limit line.

• Obey traffic signals, signs, and markings.

• Yield to pedestrians in crosswalks, intersections, and all traffic-controlled areas.

• Obey the posted speed limit.

Drivers should:

• Never pass vehicles stopped at a crosswalk. There may be people crossing who cannot be seen.

• Avoid distractions.

• Stay alert and take extra caution at intersections, especially when making turns.

• Make eye contact with pedestrians waiting to cross roadways.

• Be extremely careful when backing up, checking for pedestrians who may move into the path of the vehicle.


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