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What Else is AQD Doing?

A desk with a laptop computer, notepad, calculator, and other items for work
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

What Else is AQD Doing?

Here are other topics of interest or additional information about air-related issues.  For information about our programs, please view the tiles on the Air Quality Division (AQD) home page.

Year In Review Reports

Required by Act 451 Section 5522 (9) of Part 55 Detailing Air Quality Program Activities

EGLE submits a year-end report to the Governor and legislature in March. The report provides information about Title V and non-Title V enforcement, compliance, and permitting activities. Revenue information from fees, federal funds, and general fund appropriations is also included.  Reports which are published for public review can be accessed from our Monitoring web page under "Annual Air Quality Reports."

Paper File Folders


AQD Year End Report page example with training statistics and asbestos data


Stack of Papers

Story Maps