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Emission Measurement Program

a facility stack with an exterior ladder going up to a platform about half way up
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Emission Measurement Program

Source Emission Testing

Source Emission Testing provides statewide oversight of compliance and quality assurance activities relating to stack emission testing performed in Michigan as required by permit conditions or state and federal regulations. Staff assure proper sampling, analytical methods, and calculations are used to produce accurate air emission data to determine compliance.  Specific activities include assisting facilities in siting sampling ports, conducting reviews and approvals of stack test protocols, on-site observation of source sampling testing, and review and approval of final emission test reports.

The air monitoring section staff implement source emission sampling and stack sampling programs and provide guidance for the use of Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS) and Continuous Opacity and Emission Monitoring Systems (COMS). Staff also facilitate the program to enhance compliance monitoring capability through utilization of CEMS.

Activities include conducting pre-test review of stack sampling protocols, on-site observation of sampling activities and post-test review of data for emission tests conducted by the regulated community.  Guidance on the information that should be included in a stack testing protocol or report is included in the Plan / Report Format document.

Close up of a pen about to sign a form

Submitting Your Plan and Reporting Results

To ensure you are including all the necessary information with your stack test plan, you should submit the plan using the On-Line Stack Test Plan Submittal Form. Guidance on what is required can be found below.

Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS)

The program provides statewide oversight of compliance and quality assurance activities of all installed continuous opacity monitoring systems (COMS) and continuous emission monitoring systems (CEMS) required by permit or state and federal regulations.

Staff provide guidance to facilities in equipment selection and siting, testing, and quality assurance of installed COMS and CEMS. Also, staff administrating the program review and approve monitoring plans and test protocols, perform on-site observation of testing activities, and post-test review of COMS and CEMS reports.

Additional activities include obligations to EPA grant commitments such as maintaining a database of all Michigan facilities monitoring by COMS or CEMS, reviewing and tracking of submitted quarterly excess emission reports and quarterly data assessment reports.

Staff in this program are also responsible for CEMS monitoring, testing and reporting issues in the federal Clean Air Markets and MATS Programs.