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Air quality enforcement

An African-American judge signs a piece of paper at at wooden surface, with a gavel laying nearby
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Air quality enforcement

The program uses enforcement actions to bring facilities into compliance with state and federal air pollution regulations. This includes formal administrative actions such as administrative consent orders and administrative fine orders. Air Quality's Enforcement Program also supports and assists the Department of Attorney General and Environmental Protection Agency with air pollution cases referred by the enforcement program.

When the AQD enters into an enforcement action with a facility, the action typically results in a legally binding agreement between the State of Michigan and the facility which contains a monetary penalty, a compliance plan, and sometimes a Supplemental Environmental Project (SEP).

Facilities of public interest

The Air Quality Division shares information about facilities regulated by state and federal air quality regulations in Michigan through MiEnviro Portal Site Explorer.

This information includes but is not limited to, Permits to Install (PTI), Renewable Operating Permits (ROP), inspection reports, stack test reports, and enforcement documents. Lists of historical information, pre-December 10, 2024 is still available. 

Facility-specific information prior to December 10, 2024

Enforcement documents

Final enforcement actions

Proposed consent orders

Violations notices and enforcement notices for asbestos

For more information visit the AQD Source Information web page. Enforcement information not found on-line can be obtained through submission of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

NOTE: The Air Quality Division (AQD) Source files and listings are added once per week and the lists are updated every Monday morning.

Contact information

Jenine Camilleri at or 517-643-2612.

Compliance and enforcement

Field Operations staff routinely conduct inspections of manufacturing operations to determine compliance with federal and state air pollution control regulations and facility permits. Sources responsible for emissions at levels above what is allowed by law are accountable for their actions. Resolution of air pollution problems and violations is normally accomplished by encouraging voluntary compliance by the companies involved and the implementation of timely and appropriate compliance programs. However, enforcement actions against non-compliant sources may be initiated to ensure continued compliance with federal and state air pollution control regulations.