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Gelman Sciences, Inc. Community Outreach

EGLE public comment periods or public meeting schedules regarding the Gelman Sciences, Inc. site of environmental contamination are listed below.  

If no upcoming dates are listed, EGLE welcomes your comments and/or questions about this site at any time.


Daniel Hamel or 517-745-6595 

February 17, 2022 Town Hall Meeting

The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) participated in a town hall meeting conducted and hosted by Scio Township in Washtenaw County. Due to concerns about the potential expansion and migration of 1,4-dioxane (dioxane) contamination, related to the Gelman Sciences Inc. Site, Scio Township conducted sampling and analysis of selected residential wells in July and November 2021. The samples were analyzed using Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 522, a test that was developed specifically for dioxane with a detection limit of 0.12 micrograms per liter (ug/L, or parts per billion).

At the town hall meeting Scio Township presented a summary of their sampling activities and results. EGLE presented a summary of the Gelman Site including the status of investigation activities, remediation activities, the EGLE residential well sampling program and the new EGLE interactive web map. Other participants in the town hall meeting included the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) and the Washtenaw County Health Department (WCHD).

A more detailed presentation of the Scio Township residential well sampling activities can be found on Scio Township's Gelman Sciences Dioxane Contamination page.

September 14, 2020 Public Meeting

The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy sought public comment on a proposed Fourth Amended and Restated Consent Judgment (Consent Judgment) for the Gelman Sciences Inc. Site located in Ann Arbor and Scio Township, Michigan, and scheduled an online public meeting.

The public comment period on the proposed amended consent judgment for Gelman Sciences began August 31, 2020 and ended on September 21, 2020. EGLE has prepared a response summary for the questions and comments received during the public comment period.