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Biosolids Land Application Information

In Michigan, wastewater treatment plant sludge can be landfilled or incinerated or can be treated and land applied as biosolids. The graph below shows the tonnage in dry tons (dt) of each reported in Michigan.

Michigan Residuals Management Summary - Chart demonstrating 10 year summary of the dry tons of wwtp sludge disposed at land fill, incinerated and biosolids land applied.

Land Application of Biosolids is monitored by EGLE staff. The graph below shows the tonnage land applied as reported on the biosolids annual report.


Michigan Biosolids Land Application Summary

Biosolids Metal Information

Biosolids undergo stringent monitoring for a variety of pollutants. Below is a table containing the Table 1 - Ceiling Concentration Limits for biosolids. The Ceiling Concentration is the maximum concentration level of heavy metals that may be land applied. If biosolids contain metal concentration greater than these limits, alternative disposal methods such as land filling or incineration must be used.

Average Statewide Annual Biosolids DMR Data for Fiscal Years 2015-2018

The graph below shows statewide average concentration rounded to the nearest whole number for each of the analytes.  This information is reported annually on the discharge monitoring reports (DMR) as part of the Annual Report.

Statewide Annual Biosolids Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) Data - Chart demonstrating statewide average concentrations of regulated metals in biosolids for the report years of 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018