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Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO)

Generic CAFO in Michigan
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO)

The goal of the CAFO program is to reduce the discharge of pollutants to surface waters of the state from these types of facilities. A CAFO is an animal feeding operation that is regulated under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting program. The NPDES program regulates discharges from point sources to surface waters, and under the Clean Water Act, CAFOs are considered point sources of pollution.

Map for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) dashboard

View Michigan's Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) dashboardThis map's data is available as a table for download at our Maps and Data Portal.

Who to contact by area: CAFO Staff Map

Rules and Regulations

General Permits

General Information

CAFO Guidance Documents

Manure and Soil Sampling Guidance
Environmental Performance Equivalencies

Forms and Templates

Helpful Links

If you have any questions or concerns relating to the CAFO compliance program, please contact:
Bruce Washburn
If you have any questions or concerns relating to the CAFO permit program, please contact:
Rebecca Mauer

Complaints regarding discharges or other environmental problems should be directed to the appropriate district office for the county where the problem exists. District office contact information can be found here:  CAFO Staff Map. You may also call the 24-hour Pollution Emergency Alerting System (PEAS) at: 800-292-4706 especially if the situation is an environmental emergency or the complaint needs to be made outside normal business hours.


Environmental Emergencies

Bruce Washburn, CAFO compliance

Rebecca Maurer, CAFO permits

CAFO staff map

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