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FAQ: MiEnviro Portal

MiEnviro Site Map Explorer
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

FAQ: MiEnviro Portal

MiEnviro Portal is a comprehensive electronic notification, permitting, emissions reporting, and compliance application.

Launch MiEnviro Portal

  • It depends on what you want to do. 

    You do NOT need an account to...

    • Search for and comment on public notices and hearings
    • Report spills, pollution, or other unauthorized activity
    • Submit general water-related complaints
    • Search for and access publicly available information
    • Find out if your neighbor has a permit
    • Search Combined Sewer Overflow/Separate Sewer Overflow (CSO/SSO) discharges

    You DO need an account to...

    • Apply for permits, new registrations, and renew existing registrations
    • View and print issued permits and registrations
    • Manage your permits and pay permit fees
    • Submit reports or management plans (required by your permit or certification)
    • Review evaluation/site inspections and submit service requests
    • Sign up for alerts for public notice postings or updates on your permit application
  • To create a new account, visit and select the blue “Create a MiEnviro Portal Account” button.

    You will be taken to a page where you must fill out the required information, such as name and email address. After successfully filling out the fields, select the green "Create Account" button.

    Next, you will be sent an email to validate your account after submitting your information. Click the verification link in the email to activate your account. 

    After successfully verifying your account you may visit to sign in. Your username is your email address.

  • To update your MiEnviro Portal username, such as after a legal name change, visit and sign in.

    There will be a symbol of a person next to your username, typically in the top right. Click on your username and it will take you to the User Profile screen where you can update your legal name, title, company name, and phone number. You can also change your notification preferences here.

    Note: Shared accounts are not authorized within MiEnviro Portal. User accounts MUST represent an individual and name changes should only result from legal name changes or employment name changes.


  • To update the email address on your MiEnviro Portal account, send an email request to the correct program (email: AirWater, or Medical Waste) including your current email address, new email address and the reason for the change.

    You will receive an auto-generated email to both email addresses when the change has been made.

    Note: Shared accounts are not authorized within MiEnviro Portal. User accounts MUST represent an individual and cannot be transferred to another person.


  • To reset your password, visit and select "Forgot Password" beneath the password field. 

    You will be prompted to enter your email address and answer one of your security questions.

  • Note: Security questions are case sensitive.

    If you have forgotten the answer to your security questions for your MiEnviro Portal account, please send an email request to the correct program (email: AirWater, or Medical Waste) to have them reset.

    You will be asked to verify your identity.

  • If you are locked out of your MiEnviro Portal account, please send an email request to the correct program (email: AirWater, or Medical Waste) to have your account unlocked.

    You will be asked to verify your identity.

  • First, sign in to  

    1. Click “Start a New Form”
    2. Click “I want to start a new application”
    3. Type “JPA” in the filter box on the upper right to search for the digital Joint Permit Application. Select the form “EGLE/Joint Permit Application (JPA)…”.
    4. Click “Begin” to open the form in MiEnviro and provide the requested information. If applying for a project in a critical dune area or high-risk erosion area, choose “Individual Permit”.
    5. Upload the requested documents including location map, a detailed site plan and cross-sections with dimensions, an authorization letter if you have an agent and/or proposed work (including access) is taking place on property that you do not own.
    6. Submit your payment. See the fee schedule.

    See more information about the Joint Permit Application.

  • After signing in to, administrators of a site can invite other users to join by clicking “authorized users” and the green “invite user to join” button. 

    If you have multiple sites you will first need to select the site name by clicking the upside-down triangle next to ‘all’ on the upper left.

    You will be prompted to enter the name, email address and role you would like the person to have.  An auto generated email will be sent to both you and the person you invited with a link that will connect them to the site when they click it. Roles provide different capabilities:

    • Viewer - May view site information but cannot make any changes
    • Editor - May fill out forms and reports. May need to require certifier permissions to submit, depending on form type
    • Administrator - Can edit site information, invite other users to join the site, inactivate users, and request certifier permissions for users

    Authorized users also allow administrators to change roles that have been assigned to individuals and inactivate users who are no longer involved in the site.

  • First, sign in to Under federal rules, certifier rights are needed to submit certain types of forms and reports.

    To be granted certifier rights it is required that users submit a Certifier Agreement Form that must be approved by the department and an administrator for the site must request certifier status in MiEnviro. 

    Certifier status can be requested by clicking on Authorized Users and clicking “open” to the right of the person you are requesting certifier status for. Then click the “request Certifier Access” button and download the certifier agreement form to completed, signed and the original wet ink signature form mailed via U.S. Mail to:

    Certifier Agreement Administrator
    Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy
    P.O. Box 30457
    Lansing, MI 48909-7958.

    The address is available on the top of the agreement form also.

    Download the Certifier Agreement Form


  • After signing in to, you can update contacts for any reason by selecting "Details" on the side menu under your site name, then selecting "Contacts" in the upper middle tab. 

    From here, you can click the green "Add Contact" to add a new contact, or the "Open" button next to the person’s name you would like to edit or inactivate. 


    Note: You can not permanently delete a contact for historical record purposes.
  • You do NOT need a MiEnviro Portal account for this action.


    Visit and select the "Public Notice Search" button.

    Here you can view all current public notices, or search for a specific one by clicking on the down pointing triangle.

    If you would like to comment on a public notice, click the “view/submit comment” button to the right of the public notice. Here you can find out the detail, view the documents and submit a comment by clicking “add comment”.

  • Visit and select the "Site Map Explorer" button.

    When you first open Site Map Explorer, the entire state is covered in magenta dots. These dots indicate the number of clustered sites located in the vicinity of the center of the dot. Clicking a dot will zoom the map in closer to that location. As you zoom in, the dots will change accordion to scale.

    When the number of sites is less than 11, clicking a dot will show pins on the map representing individual locations. When you select a pin, it will change color and the left-hand menu will expand to show available information and downloadable documents.

    There are a number of filters available in Site Map Explorer, including county, program, site type, and more. Clicking the ( i ) will open the in-app Help section with additional details. Still not sure how to use the application?

    Detailed walkthrough of Site Map Explorer

    Note: While Site Map Explorer provides public access to many documents, it is not intended to be a complete record for a site.  Some older records, such as violations prior to October 1, 2015, and draft documents are not accessible through Site Map Explorer.