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FAQ: Contaminated Property

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Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

FAQ: Contaminated Property

Contaminated properties pose a risk to the State of Michigan. Properties with environmental contamination are expensive to cleanup and reuse and can pose a health risk to Michiganders who live, work, or play on them. EGLE assists communities and property owners by identifying environmental contamination, taking action to reduce risk posed by the contamination when they are not responsible for the contamination, and encouraging the safe reuse of the sites.

  • To find more information about investigation and remediation of contaminated properties, visit the investigation and remediation page

    Investigation and remediation include response activities to characterize, manage, and reduce risks at sites of environmental contamination. This may be achieved through activities such as initial evaluation, interim response, remedial investigation, feasibility studies, remedy construction, operation and maintenance of systems, land and resource use restrictions, and monitoring.

  • Yes, there are approximately 65 Superfund sites in Michigan. EGLE implements the Superfund Program in partnership with the U.S. EPA. The federal Superfund law provides funding and enforcement authorities to clean up hazardous waste sites, spills, and other releases of pollutants and contaminants into the environment. More information can be found on EGLE’s Superfund page.

  • The RenewMI web page has a map that contains information on various state-funded remediation and redevelopment projects that are managed by EGLE throughout the state. EGLE directs the necessary actions to protect public health and the environment, which might consist of removing, treating, or covering soils or treating groundwater contaminated with harmful chemicals, or by simply controlling the risks from these harmful chemicals through property use restrictions.

  • To find more information about contaminated properties where the State of Michigan is the liable party, visit the State Sites Cleanup Program web page. The State Sites Cleanup Program was established in 1996 to facilitate the cleanup of contaminated sites when the state of Michigan is the owner or liable party. A total of $35 million in funding was made available, all of which has been spent or is currently obligated to ongoing remediation work. 

  • RIDE Mapper is an online map viewer maintained by EGLE where you can search for a location by address or other site attributes. Once your location of interest is identified, layers can be toggled on and off, allowing you to view where sites of contamination are present or see where land use restrictions may have been recorded. More detailed information about contaminated sites can be accessed by clicking via the RIDE database.

  • A Baseline Environmental Assessment (BEA) is a written document that describes the results of an all appropriate inquiry and the sampling and analysis that confirm that the property is contaminated above the unrestricted residential use criteria. A BEA can be used to obtain a liability exemption from cleanup of existing contamination.

  • Forms used to request RRD review of reports, common document templates, and other helpful guidelines for report contents can be found on the Part 201 and 213 Program Forms and Documents page.

  • Residential and nonresidential groundwater cleanup criteria can be found on Table 1, residential soil cleanup criteria can be found on Table 2, and nonresidential soil criteria can be found on Table 3.

  • Technical resource documents that may be used by parties seeking reference materials when investigating and remediating environmental contamination can be found on the Resource Materials for the Part 201 and Part 213 Programs page.