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FAQ: Transporting

A garbage truck among piles of trash.
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

FAQ: Transporting

Several agencies oversee solid waste haulers who transport municipal solid waste, more commonly called garbage or trash, to receiving facilities. 

  • Solid waste transporters do not need a permit or license from EGLE, but they do have to EGLE regulations they need to meet. They cannot take prohibited waste to a solid waste landfill for disposal. The transport vehicle must be designed to prevent waste from spilling or blowing out. If any waste, organics, recyclables, etc. does fall out, they have to clean it up. They have to regularly clean the vehicle to reduce odor, prevent attracting vermin, and prevent a nuisance. When parked, the vehicle has to be least 500 feet from any residence.  If they have a hot load and they need to purposefully dump due to a fire, they need to immediately extinguish the fire and the area needs to be cleaned up as soon as it is reasonably possible. Collected materials have to be delivered to a lawful receiving facility which may include a legitimate recycling facility, a licensed solid waste landfill, a licensed or exempt solid waste transfer station, or a permitted (and licensed, where applicable) incinerator.  If they experience a hydraulic line break or loss off liquids during transport, they have to take immediate action to stop the release of liquids.  If the release could threaten human health or the environment, could have reached groundwater or surface water, the release needs to be reported to EGLE through the Pollution Emergency Alerting System at 800-292-4706, cleaned up, and a written report of the incident must be assembled and made available for three years.  Other regulations apply to the transport of scrap tires, liquid industrial by-products, and hazardous waste.  To learn more about the regulations that apply to garbage trucks, see our Solid Waste Hauler Guide.    

  • Michigan State Police (MSP) Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division is responsible for enforcing the US DOT transport requirements in Michigan. For questions on US DOT requirements, visit or call 517-241-0506.

  • Companies importing or exporting hazardous waste and universal waste have federal notification requirements that are overseen by the US Environmental Protection Agency. See 40 CFR 262 Subpart H, Section 262.83 for hazardous waste exports and 40 CFR 262 Subpart H, Section 262.84 for hazardous waste imports. Contact the US EPA at least 60 days before the intended date of shipment to obtain written consent. The US EPA’s “Acknowledgement of Consent” document must accompany the shipment at all times. Contact or call 312-353-8207 for hazardous waste or universal waste import and export questions.