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FAQ: Aquatic Invasive Species

2019-10-09 EGLE Aquatic Invasive Plant Control Grants Milfoil
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

FAQ: Aquatic Invasive Species

An invasive species is one that is not native and whose introduction causes harm, or is likely to cause harm to Michigan's economy, environment, or human health.

  • The State of Michigan has developed a webpage with specific species profiles that includes information on Michigan invasive species, how to identify them, and how to report them.

  • The State of Michigan has established an ongoing webinar series on invasive species prevention and response called the NotMISpecies web series. The webinars are held monthly and are free of charge to attend. You can visit the web series information page to register for upcoming sessions or to view recordings of past webinars.

  • An invasive species is one that is not native and whose introduction causes harm, or is likely to cause harm to Michigan's economy, environment, or human health.

    Many non-native species in Michigan, including fruits, vegetables, field crops, livestock and domestic animals, are important to our economy and lifestyle. Most non-native species are not harmful and may provide economic benefits. Invasive species cause harm when they out-compete native species by reproducing and spreading rapidly in areas where they have no natural predators and change the balance of the ecosystems we rely on.

    For additional information, please go to Michigan Invasive Species Program.