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By the Numbers: EGLE's GovDelivery subscriptions increase over 50K in 2022

Michiganders have access to a wealth of information on the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy’s (EGLE) efforts to protect Michigan’s environment and health through email distribution lists on nearly 80 different topics.

GovDelivery "Get the Word Out" logo

And interest in this information is growing. The number of subscribers to EGLE’s GovDelivery listservs increased by over 50,000 in 2022. GovDelivery connects the work we do at EGLE with people by providing them with information on a variety of topics, ranging from climate change to training to the Great Lakes.

Here’s some additional EGLE GovDelivery statistics:

  • 79 listservs on a range of topics
  • 1,235 email bulletins were sent in 2022.
  • Four new lists were added in 2022:
    • Industrial Wastewater Operator Updates
    • Weekly Oil and Gas Updates
    • Medical Waste News and Updates
    • DLD Environmental Services, Inc., Hazardous Waste Storage Facility

The lists with the largest growth in the past six months were:

  • EGLE Grant and Loan Opportunities
  • MI Environment
  • Michigan PFAS Action Response Team (MPART)
  • EGLE Classroom

To sign up for EGLE updates, enter your contact information on the subscription webpage and select the topics of interest to you.