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Competency-Based Education (C-BE)
Profile of a Graduate
Michigan has high expectations to prepare students for life after K-12 education. Career & college-ready students possess the skills necessary to earn a self-sustaining wage and participate in post-secondary opportunities without remediation. Michigan's Profile of a Graduate includes characteristics of career & college-ready students that are evident within all of the academic standards, including the arts and the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Career Ready Practices.
- The What and Why of C-BE
- Defining C-BE in Michigan
- MDE News Release, March 6. 2019: MDE and MSU Partner to Study C-BE
- This Podcast outlines how C-BE fits into Michigan's Top 10 in 10 Strategic Plan
C-BE Pilot Grant (Section 21j of the State School Aid Act)
Section 21j of the 2017-18 State School Aid Act provides $500,000 to fund grants for the design and implementation of C-BE programs. Districts will compete for grant funding for the purpose of providing enhanced choice to pupils and parents for the completion of the requirements for kindergarten through a high school diploma, including the Michigan Merit Curriculum. The grant program is designed to be a three-year opportunity for districts to explore, develop, and implement the systems and processes necessary for a quality C-BE program. Grantees are currently implementing year one of the three-year grant cycle.
Please see the 2018-19 MDE Report to the Legislature for further information on current grant implementation.
C-BE in Michigan
Do you use a competency-based approach in your district, school, or classroom? Are you interested in knowing more about C-BE? The MDE wants to hear from you! Please contact Steve Nemeckay to connect with the MDE.