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Benchmark Assessments

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State law provides funding for MDE-approved benchmark assessments as follows:

  • Administer benchmark assessments to all students in K-8 in reading and mathematics
  • Administer benchmark assessments at least twice in the school year - within the first 9 weeks of school and again before the end of the school year
  • Benchmark assessment data are not included in accountability calculations or results

What's New?


    Benchmark Resources

    Legislative Actions and Reports

    MDE Approved Benchmark Assessment Providers

    The law is flexible and provides districts with several benchmark options. Districts options include choosing: 1) benchmark assessment(s) offered by an assessment provider on the MDE-approved provider list below, 2) benchmark assessment(s) or tool(s) that provide progress monitoring and enhanced diagnostics in reading and/or progress monitoring in mathematics, 3) local benchmark assessment (s), especially if used in previous years, or 4) any combination of the three prior choices.


    i-Ready Curriculum Associates Smarter Balalnced NWEA Logo Star Logo early literacy and mathematics bench assessments


    Benchmark Assessments and Assessment Literacy