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Assessment Integrity and Security

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The Primary goal of assessment security is to protect the integrity of the assessment and to ensure that results are accurate and meaningful. The Office of Educational Assessment and Accountability has developed Assessment Security Goals for the State of Michigan System.

  • To provide secure assessments that result in valid and reliable scores
  • To adhere to high processional test administration and security standards
  • To maintain consistency across all testing occasions and sites (i.e., students and schools)
  • To promote the investments of resources, time, and energy

OEAA Assessment Integrity and Security Practices

Based upon the Assessment Security Goals listed above, the OEAA has developed an assessment security system that focuses on the following areas:

  • Prevention - standards and best practices for the test integrity and security aspects of the design, development, operation, and administration of state assessments, both paper/pencil and online test administrations, to prevent irregularities from occurring
  • Detection - guidelines for assessment monitoring, reporting, and working with the OEAA when irregularities are found 
  • Investigations - guidelines for the state and local educational agency working together to investigate irregularities
  • Remediation - guidelines for working with the OEAA to resolve irregularities and to ensure valid results for all students

Assessment Security and Test Administration Monitoring

Each year test administrators are monitored by the OEAA to help protect the integrity of state assessments. The types of monitoring conducted include:

  • Allegation Report Monitoring
  • Data Forensic Analysis
  • Incident Report Monitoring
  • Missing Material Monitoring
  • Off-site Test Administration Monitoring
  • Social Media Monitoring
  • Supports and Accommodations Usage
  • Test Administration Observations

Descriptions of each type of Monitoring can be found with the Assessment Integrity Guide.

Assessment Security Documents

  • Assessment Integrity Guide - guidelines to be followed to assist school staff to securely administer state assessments and have a common understanding of appropriate practices
  • Security Compliance Form - required to be signed each year by all staff participating in test administration of any and all state assessments. The completed forms must be retained by the building/district for 3 years
  • Electronic Device Policy

Assessment Security Planning Documents

Assessment Security Training

District/Building Assessment Coordinator Training Requirements:

Test Administrators/Room Supervisors/ Proctors/ Training Requirements:

Technology Coordinators and Other Staff (anyone who will handle or have access to secure materials) Training Requirements:

  • read the Keeping Assessment Materials Secure training document (refer to Appendix E in the Assessment Integrity Guide for the document)

Allegation Reporting Resources

  • To report cheating and unethical behavior by a district or school regarding state assessments call 877-560-8378, select option 5 or complete the online Complaint or Allegation of Misadministration form.
  • Districts or schools wishing to report a testing irregularity or misadministration involving M-STEP, WIDA Access for ELLs, MI-Access, and Early Literacy and Mathematics (K-2) must complete the Incident Report on the OEAA Secure Site.