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LRE Monitoring Process

Least Restrictive Environment Monitoring Process

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires state education agencies (SEAs) to carry out activities to ensure all public agencies are fully informed about their responsibilities for implementing the least restrictive environment (LRE) requirements under 34 CFR §300.114-300.117; and are provided with technical assistance necessary to assist them in implementing compliant policies, procedures, and evidence-based practices consistent with the requirements.

FAPE in the LRE Capacity Building

States must have a reasonably designed general supervision system where each local education agency (LEA) intermediate school district (ISD) is monitored at least one time within a six-year cycle. To be able to effectively monitor all 56 ISDs and four State agencies, which are subrecipients of the IDEA federal flow-through grant, MDE OSE will monitor ISDs and state agencies in cohorts of 10 participants each year. The first cohort will be initiated in the fall of 2024.