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Statewide System of Support (SSoS)

Michigan's Statewide System of Support (SSoS) provides services to Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) with schools identified for Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI), Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI), and Additional Targeted Support (ATS) under the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA).

The ESSA is aimed at increasing student outcomes and graduation rates using data and root cause analysis to determine areas of greatest need. After the root cause is identified, supports and services are designed, implemented, and monitored to assess their effectiveness in increasing graduation rates.

These efforts are funded in part through an ESSA-required Statewide reservation of Title I funds designated to support LEAs with schools identified for CSI, TSI, and ATS. In Michigan, these LEAs receive supports and services from the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) through its partner Intermediate School Districts (ISDs) and Education Service Agencies (ESAs).

SSoS Resources

  • Schools identified for CSI supports are Michigan public schools identified in the bottom 5% of all schools Statewide and/or did not achieve a graduation rate of 67% or higher.

    Regional Assistance Grants (RAGs) are awarded to ISDs and ESAs to support LEAs with Schools identified for CSI supports via a formula allocation. Any LEA with schools identified CSI, TSI, or ATS supports are eligible to engage in systems work and implementation science as provided through the Title I Statewide Technical Assistance Grant (TAG). Please visit the MDE Michigan School Index website for more information about school identification.

    Click on Grants below to learn more about the funding supporting this work.

    Program Contacts

    • Bill Witt, Continuous Improvement Unit (CIU) Manager, 517-241-9869
    • Brittany Smith, CIU Administrative Support, 517-335-2957
    • Dot Blackwell, Michigan Integrated Continuous Improvement Process (MICIP) Lead, 517-241-4657
    • Connie McCall, Consultant, 517-241-6962
    • Vacant, Analyst
    • Vacant, SSoS Manager
  • Regional Assistance Grant (RAG)

    The RAG is awarded to ISDs and ESAs with schools identified for CSI supports in their constituent LEAs. LEAs and schools receive RAG-funded services to support their continuous improvement programs and initiatives as required by the ESSA and identified in the Michigan Integrated Continuous Improvement Process (MICIP) plan.

    2024-25 RAG User Guide

    The RAG User Guide is designed to assist grantees in completing a substantially approvable application consistent with the requirements of Title I, Part A, Section 1003. The User Guide has been separated into the links below for easier navigation. The PDF of the August 13, 2024, presentation is a review of the RAG, questions that come up regarding use of funds and carryover, new changes in legislation, and 2024-25 updates to the Grant Criteria.

    RAG District Service Plans and End of Year (EOY) Reports

    ISDs and ESAs receiving the RAG must complete a District Service Plan in partnership with the LEA receiving RAG-funded supports. ISD and ESA RAG recipients must also complete an EOY Report. Please contact Connie McCall for RAG District Service Plan and EOY Report templates.

    Title I Statewide Technical Assistance Grant (TAG)

    The Title I Statewide TAG is a competitive grant that provides services to LEAs and ISDs/ESAs with schools identified for CSI, TSI, and ATS supports. The current grantee is Calhoun Intermediate School District (CISD). CISD provides these supports through the Statewide Field Team (SWFT) in collaboration with other ISDs and ESAs. Their vision is to provide an education system that has the capacity to effectively implement and sustain the use of frameworks and practices with fidelity to improve outcomes for learners across Michigan. Their mission is to develop the capacity of leaders to cultivate and sustain system-based data-driven organizations that provide an equitable education to each student. Please contact Dr. Jennifer Sell, SWFT Executive Director, for more information.