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Michigan School Accountability

About Accountability

Michigan's school accountability systems use statewide student assessment scores and other quality metrics to provide transparency on school performance for all Michigan public schools. School accountability systems help parents, communities, and policymakers measure school quality to make decisions and target resources to help students achieve. Michigan has multiple accountability systems for its public schools, each provided and detailed in the links below, that provide important information for different purposes and to different audiences.

Please use the links provided below to view Michigan school accountability system reports, related resources, and supports.

Upcoming Fall Accountability Meetings

Accountability News

School Index Report Thumbnail

2022-23 School Index Reports on MI School Data

Link to view School Index reports on MI School Data.

Go to School Index Reports on MI School Data
Best Practices Image

Accountability Best Practices Guide

Data reporting guide for trouble-free accountability; updated 4/8/2024.

View Accountability Best Practices Guide
Spotlight Image

Spotlight on Student Assessment and Accountability

View the most recent weekly Assessment and Accountability edition or past newsletters.

Go to the Spotlight on Educational Assessment and Accountability

Subscribe to Accountability News

Accountability Systems

Parent Dashboard

Michigan's preferred accountability system for parents and others to view school performance information.

School Index

Michigan's federal accountability system providing a 0-100 overall school index value.

School Grades

Michigan's state accountability system providing A-F letter grades and rankings.

Annual Education Report

Yearly performance reports schools must post as part of the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

National Blue Ribbon Schools

Schools recognized for their academic excellence or progress in closing achievement gaps.

At-Risk Students

School program (section 31a) supporting regular attendance, proficiency, and career- and college-readiness.

Accountability Topics

Resources for Identified Schools

Information for schools identified for CSI, TSI, or ATS. 

Student Growth

Information and resources on Michigan's student growth model.

English Learners (ELs)

Information and resources on assessment, accountability, program supports, legislation and more for English Learners.

Sending Scores Back Program

Information, resources, and applications for schools sharing non-resident students for unique and/or special program offerings.

School Accreditation

Links to K-12 and postsecondary public school accreditation in Michigan.

Historical School Accountability

Historical school accountability data provided back to the 2001-02 school year.

General Accountability Resources

  • Guiding Principles for School Accountability

    The core values and beliefs of Michigan's school accountability programs and reports.

  • Full Academic Year (FAY) Business Rules

    Technical rules that define the inclusion of students in a school's accountability results based on time and enrollment.

  • Office of Educational Assessment and Accountability Quick Links

    OEAA Secure Site circle button assessment coordinator training guide circle button OEAA Spotlight Newsletter circle button OEAA mi school data circle button OEAA Contact OEAA circle button

    Data and Researcher Links

    MI School Data

    MI School Data is the State of Michigan's official public portal for education data, offering multiple levels and views presented in graphs, charts, trend lines, and downloadable spreadsheets to support meaningful evaluation and decision making. Check out the MI School Data Report Catalog for a detailed list of all reports on the MI School Data Portal.

    Michigan Education Research Institute (MERI)

    Information pertinent to requesting Michigan education data sets for audits, evaluations, and studies of education programs in Michigan are available through MERI, the State of Michigan's research partnership with the University of Michigan and Michigan State University.

    Help and Support

    Questions? Contact Us!

    For support with Michigan School Accountability initiatives and data, please email or call 877-560-8378, option 3.

    Email MDE Accountability