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Special Education

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Special Education

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Virtual meeting

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The MDE Office of Special Education is hiring. Check out our job openings by selecting the link below.

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Information Line

Do you have a question related to special education? Call 888-320-8384*

* Interpreter services in several languages are available.

Information Line
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Parent Resources

Information about special education for parents and families.

Explore Parent Resources
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Procedural Safeguards

Schools must provide notice to parents about the protections and rights for their
children with disabilities.

Procedural Safeguards

OSE Spotlight

Revised Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education Available

Revisions to the Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education became effective on June 27, 2024. The document Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education (MARSE) With Related Federal Regulations has been updated to reflect the changes.

Learn More About the Impacted Rules

General Supervision System

States are obligated under federal law to have a system of general supervision to monitor and support the implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) in local education agencies (LEAs). The general supervision system is an accountability mechanism for improving educational results and functional outcomes for children and youth with disabilities while ensuring LEAs meet program requirements of IDEA.

Learn More About the General Supervision System

LRE Monitoring Process

States must have a reasonably designed general supervision system where each local education agency (LEA) intermediate school district (ISD) is monitored at least one time within a six-year cycle. To be able to effectively monitor all 56 ISDs and four State agencies, which are subrecipients of the IDEA federal flow-through grant, MDE OSE will monitor ISDs and state agencies in cohorts of 10 participants each year. The first cohort will be initiated in the fall of 2024.

Learn More About the LRE Monitoring Process

IEP Development: Extended School Year Services Guidance

Extended School Year (ESY) services must be considered for every student with a disability at each IEP team meeting. This guidance defines ESY services and helps the IEP team determine whether a student needs ESY services.

IEP Development: Extended School Year Services

New Document Outlines Policies, Procedures, and Practices to Address Areas of Concern

The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) directs States to ensure its general supervision system includes policies, procedures, and practices reasonably designed to consider and address areas of concern in a timely manner.

Area of Concern

2023-2024 Monthly TA Call Recordings Available

The Michigan Department of Education Office of Special Education (MDE OSE) will host technical assistance (TA) opportunities throughout the 2023-2024 school year. The monthly TA opportunities are open to all intermediate school district (ISD) and member district special education personnel.

The monthly topic(s) will support the field in work they are actively engaged in or activities coming to fruition soon. The TA calls will be recorded and posted on the Catamaran Training website.

Past OSE Monthly TA Call Recordings

Quick Links

COVID-19 Special Education Information and Resources

Information, guidance, and resources to support students with disabilities during the COVID-19 crisis.

COVID-19 Resources

Previously Released Guidance

A list of all guidance documents released by the Office of Special Education.

Previously Released Guidance

Mediation and Dispute Resolution

Find ways for parents and schools to problem solve about special education issues.

Dispute Resolution Options


Find information about determining a student’s eligibility for special education programs and services.

Evaluations and Eligibility

Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education (MARSE)

The MARSE are the Michigan rules to follow when implementing special education laws.

Download MARSE


Michigan submits a State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR) to the U.S. Department of Education each year. The SPP/APR shows Michigan’s progress on each federal special education indicator and outlines the plan for the future.


Supports for Students With Disabilities

Many offices and organizations outside of the OSE support students with disabilities. Look through the different supports for students with disabilities for help from other sources.

Explore Supports for Students with Disabilities

Michigan Special Education Reference (MI-SER)

The MI-SER is a database of federal and state special education law and policy information and resources.

MI-SER Website

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Sign-up to receive email announcements from the Office of Special Education.

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