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Relocation Allowances
What is a relocation allowance?
Relocation Allowance — Application requirements and deadlines
The following requirements apply to all requests for Relocation Allowances:
The TAA participant must submit a Request for Relocation Allowances application to the MWA before the relocation takes place, and within the designated time limits:
- The latter of the following: Before the 425th day after the date of the certification, or the 425th day after the date of the adversely affected worker’s last total separation; and/or
- Before the 182nd day after the worker files the application; and/or
- Before the 182nd day after the concluding date of TAA approved training if the worker entered a training program that received supplemental assistance (subsistence payment and transportation payments).
How to apply
To apply for a relocation allowance, visit a Michigan Works! service center. Your application must be filed and approved before moving. Your application may be approved if it is determined that no suitable work is available in your home area and that you:
- Have obtained suitable work of long-term duration or a bona fide offer of such work in the area within the United States to which you will move.
- Have not previously received a relocation allowance under the same certification.
- Are totally separated from certified employment at the time of relocation. (Partially separated workers may apply in anticipation of total layoff.)
There are time limits for filing an application for a relocation allowance. You must file for a relocation allowance within 425 days after the date of the certification or 425 days after your last total separation, whichever is later. Also, you must begin your relocation within 182 days after you apply for a relocation allowance.