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Unanticipated School Closure SFSP Information

In the event of unanticipated school closures (extreme cold day, snow day, water main break, frozen pipes, electrical issues, flooding, natural disasters, etc.) Sponsors may participate in USC SFSP. Sponsors that have participated in the SFSP within the past 2 years are eligible to participate in USC SFSP. Nationwide waivers for school year 2021/2022 allow any location to be a site in USC SFSP. USC SFSP sites can be previous SFSP sites or may be new sites.

Program requirements must be followed. For example, all meals must follow the SFSP meal pattern requirements and be counted at the point of service, when a reimbursable meal is provided for a child.


FAQ - Unanticipated School Closure SFSP

Meal Service During Unanticipated School Closures USDA Memo

Sponsor Steps to Participate in Unanticipated School Closure SFSP

  1. Attend required USC SFSP webinar (live or recorded by request from the email - document date and time completed for training records).
  2. If you are a new SFSP Sponsor and only intend to participate in USC SFSP, email with your intent to participate in USC SFSP and request access to the 2021 SFSP MEGS+ application. Once you have access to the 2021 SFSP MEGS+ application complete each page of the application. Select lunch on 12/31/21 as the service date only on the SFSP Site Calendar Page. Refer to the Show Help button for application assistance. Once the application is completed submit the application for MDE to review. The Sponsor will receive an approval email from MEGS+ when the application has been approved by MDE.
  3. On the day(s) of the unanticipated school closure, submit an intent to participate in USC SFSP in GEMS/MARS.
  4. Information needed includes:
    • Sponsor name and agreement number
    • Name, phone and email of contact person
    • Date of closure(s)
    • Site name and address where the meals will be served (must be an approved SFSP site in the MEGS+ application)
    • Meal(s) to be served
    • Meal service times
    • How information has been communicated to the public
    • Reason for closure
    • If adult meals will be available
  5. Use the Daily Meal Count Form, Meet Up and Eat Up Meal Counting App or POS System during meal service.
  6. Keep production record(s) and/or menu for meal(s) served.
  7. By the end of the month, amend the 2021 SFSP application in MEGS+.
    • Change Status to amend the application.
    • Complete the Amendment Justification.
    • SFSP Site Information: #11 SFSP Site Calendar, select the month of service, check the boxes for the meals and service dates of the USC SFSP. #14 update meal service times for the meals served.
    • Change Status to submit amendments.
  8. Submit USC SFSP Claim in MiND 2.0 within 60 days. Note - claims will be available 7-10 days after MDE approves the application amendments.