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Educational Assessment and Accountability

Educational Assessment and Accountability

The Office of Educational Assessment & Accountability (OEAA) is an office within the DESSS. The responsibilities of this office include:

  • Developing, administering, and reporting on assessment programs
  • Jointly developing and maintaining content standards with the Office of Educational Supports (OES)
  • Electronically housing the libraries of content standards developed jointly with OES
  • Developing achievement standards (i.e., proficiency standards or cut scores) on the assessment programs for which it is responsible
  • Operating the Formative Assessment for Michigan Educators (FAME)
  • Program and data management of all OEAA projects
  • Management for all the OEAA systems (Secure Site, Item Bank System, etc.)
  • Responding to assessment and accountability reports and state analysis requests

Andrew Middlestead, Director

For specific information: