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Strategic Planning and Implementation

Strategic Planning and Implementation

The team within the Office of Strategic Planning and Implementation (OSPI) is passionate about unifying the divisions within the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) to help improve outcomes for all Michigan learners. A group of system thinkers, this team is dedicated to coordinating and aligning the work with MDE that supports the education community. Specifically, OSPI is responsible for:

  • Raising awareness and developing guidance related to Michigan’s Top 10 Strategic Education Plan.
  • Coordinating, monitoring, and tracking MDE’s and the state’s efforts related to Michigan’s Top 10 Strategic Education Plan
  • Coordinating systems of support to the field.
  • Strengthening MDE's internal systemic infrastructure to ensure an innovative and cohesive state education agency.
  • Streamlining processes and procedures that influence MDE's collective efforts, such as ensuring efforts are well defined, implementation is intentional and collaborative, and that learning from implementation is used for continuous improvement.

Kelly Siciliano Carter, Director

For Specific Information
Michigan's Top 10 Strategic Education Plan:
Promising Practices Exchange: