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Highland Park Community College Transcript Request

To request a copy of your transcript:

Complete all necessary information on the Transcript Request Form and submit the signed or electronic signature form.

By Email: Use the Transcript Request Form and email the signed and completed form to

By US MAIL or Fax: For a written request, print the Transcript Request Form and mail or fax to the signed and completed form to the address/fax number below.

Michigan Department of Education
Superintendent's Office
P.O. Box 30008
Lansing, MI 48909
Fax: 517-335-4565

*At this time, payment is not required for Highland Park Community College transcript requests.

Please be advised that transcripts for the closed Highland Park Community College may require additional time to research as these records are stored offsite. Each case is unique and based on the age and quality of the student record; special attention and time are required to retrieve these documents. Your patience is requested as we work to retrieve these records for you.