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Educational Development Plans and the MMC

  • Educational Development Plans (EDPs) are living documents developed by all students to identify career goals and related action plans in alignment with their changing interests and abilities. EDPs help students think about long-term education and career plans before entering high school. By going through this process, students learn more about themselves, consider different options for their future, and develop a more specific path for preparing for their career choice. It is up to the district to determine processes and timelines for implementing this requirement. The Department has developed guidelines for the use of EDPs at the following link EDP Fundamentals

  • The Michigan Merit Curriculum legislation 380.1278b (11) states: The board of a school district or board of directors of a public school academy shall provide the opportunity for each pupil to develop an educational development plan during grade 7 and shall ensure that each pupil reviews their educational development plan during grade 8 and revises it as appropriate before they begin high school. The board of a school district or board of directors of a public school academy shall also ensure that each pupil reviews and revises their educational development plan as appropriate during each year of high school. An educational development plan shall be developed, reviewed, and revised by the pupil under the supervision of the pupil's school counselor, or another designee qualified to act in a counseling role under section 1233 or 1233a selected by the school principal and shall be based on high school readiness scores and a career pathways program or similar career exploration program. An educational development plan shall be designed to assist pupils in identifying career development goals as they relate to academic requirements. During the process of developing and reviewing a pupil's educational development plan, the pupil shall be advised that many of the curricular requirements of this section and section 1278a may be fulfilled through career and technical education. In addition, during the process of developing and reviewing an educational development plan, the pupil shall be provided with all the following:

      (a) Information on various types of careers and current and projected job openings in this state and those jobs' actual and projected wages.

      (b) An opportunity to explore careers specific to a pupil's interests and identify career pathways and goals for achieving success in those careers, including, but not limited to, the level and type of educational preparation necessary to accomplish those goals.

      (c) An opportunity to develop a talent portfolio. A talent portfolio shall be developed and revised throughout the implementation of a pupil's educational development plan. A talent portfolio shall include but is not limited to a record of the pupil's experiences, proficiencies, certifications, or accomplishments that demonstrate talents or marketable skills. In conjunction with the Department of Talent and Economic Development, The Department shall develop and make available to the public school’s model information materials that districts or public school academies may use to comply with this subdivision.