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World Language

  • Beginning with the graduating class of 2016, students need to complete, during Grades K-12, the equivalent of 2 grade-appropriate credits in a language other than English or have course work or other learning experiences that are substantially equivalent to 2 credits. If a student entered 3rd grade before 2006, they are exempt from the world language requirement under the Michigan Merit Curriculum (MMC), even if they graduate in 2016 or later. However, districts can, as with any other subject, impose their own World Language requirements that go beyond the requirements of the MMC.

  • The world language requirement is two credits based on students meeting a "Novice High" proficiency level. Students can meet this credit requirement in any amount of time. See the Michigan Merit Curriculum: World Languages Standards and Benchmarks page, which highlights what earning the two credits looks like for students and the criteria they should demonstrate.

  • Students can meet the world language requirement in the following ways:

    • By completing the equivalent of 2 credits in a language other than English during Grades K-12.
    • Through learning beyond the K-12 classroom: formal study abroad, study abroad programs, college coursework, home or heritage languages, online courses, or other life experiences as determined by the district.
    • Students may partially or fully fulfil one credit of the World Language requirement by completing a department-approved formal CTE program or by completing Visual, Performing, or Applied Arts instruction that is in addition to the Visual, Performing, and Applied Arts requirement.
    • More information and guidelines on meeting the credit requirements for learning a language other than English can be found on the Academic Standards page.
  • Sec. 1278a (2) 

    In addition to the requirements under Subsection (1), beginning with pupils entering 3rd grade in 2006, the board of a school district or board of directors of a public school academy shall not award a high school diploma to a pupil unless the pupil has successfully completed during Grades K to 12 at least two credits that are grade-appropriate in a language other than English or course work or other learning experiences that are substantially equivalent to 2 credits in a language other than English, based on guidelines developed by the Department.

    A pupil may partially or fully fulfill one credit of this requirement by completing a department-approved formal Career and Technical Education (CTE) program or curriculum or by completing visual or performing arts instruction that is in addition to the requirements under Subsection (1)(a)(iv). The board of a school district or board of directors of a public school academy is strongly encouraged to ensure that all pupils complete at least one credit in a language other than English in Grades K to 6. For the purposes of this Subsection, all the following apply:

    (a) American Sign Language is considered to be a language other than English.

    (b) The pupil may meet all or part of this requirement with online coursework.