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School Administrator Experience Based Certificate

Administrative Rules governing School Administrator Certification require all individuals employed as a superintendent, as a principal, as an assistant principal, or as an individual whose primary responsibility is administering instructional programs who are authorized under the experience-based, provision in Michigan Compiled Law (MCL) 380.1246 to hold a valid Experience-Based School Administrator Certificate issued by the Michigan Department of Education. This certificate:

  1. Requires demonstration of eligibility for the experience-based provision through evidence of employment as an administrator at a Michigan school district on or before January 4, 2010.
  2. Requires and authorizes school administrators to maintain professional learning hours in MOECS for ease of tracking, certificate renewal, and avoiding costly State Aid deductions.
  3. Provides all school administrators who obtain the Experience-Based School Administrator Certificate a new five-year cycle on the continuing education requirement in law.
  4. Ensures compliance with reporting required under MCL 380.1535a.

Legal Requirement

MCL 380.1246 requires school administrators to complete professional learning as a requirement for continued employment. Holding a valid School Administrator Certificate demonstrates that this requirement has been met.

Failure to employ a certified, or permitted, individual may result in State Aid deduction. Submission of an application alone does not constitute a valid certificate.

Effective/Implementation Date

The initial School Administrator Experience-Based Certificate for qualifying school administrators was first available on January 1, 2018. For initial certification, an application processing fee of $160 will be charged. Subsequent renewals will be consistent with MCL 380.1538 and the certificate fee structure.

Administrators unable to meet these requirements and/or obtain a valid School Administrator Certificate may be temporarily employed under the Administrator Permit.