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Oral Proficiency Interview Requirement for World Language Endorsements

Michigan teacher candidates for world language endorsements must achieve appropriate levels on the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language’s (ACTFL) Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) or Oral Proficiency Interview – Computer (OPIc). This requirement is in addition to passing the appropriate world language test from the Michigan Test for Teacher Certification. The table below presents the minimum proficiency levels required to earn each of Michigan’s world language endorsements. It also presents the minimum proficiency levels required for an individual to receive a substitute permit to teach in a world language classroom.

Note: American Sign Language (ASL) is among Michigan's World Languages. While there is not a required Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC) for ASL, candidates must successfully complete an ASL program through a Michigan approved preparation provider and demonstrate proficiency in ASL via one of the assessments linked in the table below.


World Language Certification Assessments
World Language Endorsement Code MTTC Required for Certification Minimum Proficiency Level for Certification Minimum Proficiency Level for Permits Proficiency Assessment
American Sign Language FS No See ASL Assessment Table See ASL Assessment Table See ASL Assessment Table
Anishinaabemowin FN No Intermediate High Intermediate Mid Local assessment administered by the preparation institution
Arabic (Modern Standard) FK Yes Intermediate High Intermediate Mid OPI/OPIc
Chinese (Mandarin) FR Yes Intermediate High Intermediate Mid OPI/OPIc
French FA Yes Advanced Low Intermediate High OPI/OPIc
German FB Yes Advanced Low Intermediate High OPI/OPIc
Greek FC No Intermediate High Intermediate Mid OPI/OPIc
Hebrew FJ No Advanced Low Intermediate High OPI/OPIc
Italian FH Yes Advanced Low Intermediate High OPI/OPIc
Japanese FL Yes Intermediate High Intermediate Mid OPI/OPIc
Latin FD Yes N/A N/A Local assessment administered by the preparation institution
Spanish FF Yes Advanced Low Intermediate High OPI/OPIc
World Language - Other
(Foreign Service Institute Category I & II Languages)
FG No Advanced Low Intermediate High OPI/OPIc, where available
World Language - Other
(Foreign Service Institute Category III & IV)
FG No Intermediate High Intermediate Mid OPI/OPIc, where available

Registering for the OPI

Candidates should review the OPI Handbook before registering for the OPI at Language Testing International (LTI).

If a candidate has already taken the OPI and has met the minimum level required for a language, the OPI does not have to be taken again.

Submitting OPI Results

Teacher candidates who completed their educator preparation program through a Michigan educator preparation institution must obtain a PDF printout of their OPI results and submit the printout to their Michigan institution in accordance with instructions from the institution.

Teacher candidates who completed their educator preparation program at an educator preparation institution outside of Michigan must obtain a PDF printout of their OPI results and submit the printout to the Michigan Department of Education via one of the following ways:

  • Mailing the printout with a copy of their application cover letter to the address at the bottom of the cover letter; or
  • Email the printout to