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MTTC Professional Knowledge and Skills Testing

Michigan Compiled Laws (MCL) 380.1531 requires a testing program as part of Michigan’s teacher certification requirements to ensure that certified teachers can demonstrate the necessary professional readiness and content knowledge to serve in Michigan’s schools. The Michigan Tests for Teacher Certification (MTTC) program consists of subject area tests, which must be taken for each endorsement area a candidate seeks.

A Professional Knowledge and Skills test is required for grade-banded endorsements (e.g., Lower Elementary (PK-3) Education, English Language Arts (7-12), Mathematics (5-9)). Passing a Professional Knowledge and Skills test is in addition to subject area testing for a grade-banded endorsement. Professional Knowledge and Skills tests for each grade band are unique, with items specifically written to reflect the context of a given grade band.

Effective July 2022, MDE began issuing endorsements that reflect teacher preparation by grade bands:

  • Lower Elementary (PK-3)
  • Upper Elementary (3-6)

Effective July 2024, MTTC tests for the following grade band endorsements will be available:

  • English Language Arts (7-12)
  • Mathematics (7-12)

Effective September 2024, MTTC tests for the following grade band endorsements will be available:

  • English Language Arts (5-9)
  • Mathematics (5-9)
In recognition of successful demonstration through testing of required professional knowledge and skills, a candidate only needs to pass one Professional Knowledge and Skills test. Some common questions and answers follow.

How do I know which Professional Knowledge and Skills test to take?

In-state candidates should seek advisement from their program provider, and out-of-state candidates will be advised by MDE as part of the application process. Generally, candidates should pursue the Professional Knowledge and Skills test for the grade band (e.g., PK-3, 3-6, 5-9, 7-12) that aligns with their preparation program and endorsement.

I am pursuing two grade band endorsements at the same time (e.g., Lower Elementary (PK-3) Education and Upper Elementary (3-6) Education; Upper Elementary (3-6) Education and Mathematics (5-9); Mathematics (5-9) and Mathematics (7-12)). Which Professional Knowledge and Skills test do I need to take?

In-state candidates should seek advisement from their program provider, and out-of-state candidates will be advised by MDE as part of the application process. Candidates seeking multiple grade band endorsements at the same time can use the Professional Knowledge and Skills test for either grade band to fulfill their testing requirement.

I am pursuing the Early Childhood General and Special Education (Birth-Kindergarten) endorsement (ZN). I am not pursuing any other endorsement. Which Professional Knowledge and Skills test do I need to take?

Candidates pursuing only this endorsement do not need to take a Professional Knowledge and Skills test because that content is embedded throughout the content area test for that endorsement.

I am an out-of-state applicant. Do I need to pass a Professional Knowledge and Skills test in addition to other MTTC requirements for my endorsement?

Out-of-state applicants should follow the advisement provided by MDE during the application process.

I am pursuing an advanced program (e.g., School Counselor, Central Office Administrator). Do I need to take a Professional Knowledge and Skills test?

No, these endorsements are not grade banded; therefore, a Professional Knowledge and Skills test is not required.

Individuals should not take an MTTC without first being directed to by either MDE or a preparation program. An individual cannot obtain a certificate or endorsement simply by passing an MTTC. For further inquiries about MTTC testing, please contact Bridgett McDowell, Education Assessment Specialist, at