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Nullification Process

Educators may elect to nullify (remove) his or her certificate or subject area endorsement(s) from his or her certificate based upon a process established in Michigan law. Requests for nullification may be submitted under Michigan Compiled Law (MCL) 380.1532(5-6), which states:

Upon the request of a teacher, the state board immediately shall nullify that teacher’s teaching certificate. Upon the request of a teacher, the state board may nullify 1 or more endorsements on the teaching certificate, or a grade level certification included in the teaching certificate if the grade level certification has not been used for 12 or more years. The state board shall not reinstate, reissue, or renew a teaching certificate, endorsement on a teaching certificate, or a grade level certification that has been nullified pursuant to subsection (5). 
The state board shall not reinstate, reissue, or renew a teaching certificate, endorsement on a teaching certificate, or a grade level certification that has been nullified pursuant to subsection (5).

To request the nullification of a Michigan issued certificate or individual subject area endorsement(s), please review the following procedures and instructions:

  1. Send an email to
    1. In the subject line include “Nullification Request.”
    2. Within the email, include your full name as it appears on your current certificate. Please include all aliases your certification has been under.
    3. State your intent for nullification [i.e. Michigan Teaching Certificate or the subject area endorsement(s)].
    NOTE: Prior to the above steps it is recommended to also confirm the subject area(s) you are requesting nullification of hasn’t been used to teach any other subject area(s) by reviewing the Quick Reference: Courses That Can be Taught document.
  2. Once your nullification request is received, you will be notified within 72 hours by email, and will include an attachment (Initial Nullification Request). The attachment must be completed and signed in front of a notary. The notary must complete their section of the form, including their expiration date of service.
  3. The nullification request form must be returned by USPS mail in its original format to the Office of Educator Excellence (OEE) (address included on the bottom). Once received this document officially begins the nullification process.
  4. When your notarized nullification request is received a confirmation letter along with an employment verification form (which may be duplicated as needed) will be emailed. The employment verification form must show a minimum of 12 years of employment confirming you have not taught under the subject area(s) you’re requesting nullification. All completed employment verification forms must be sent into the OEE address listed on bottom of the form.
  5. Once the completed employment verification form(s) have been received, reviewed, and confirmed by the OEE, you will receive a nullification approval letter and a revision of your teaching certificate. A courtesy letter will also be sent to your current superintendent or school district confirming your nullification. In the event your nullification documentation is not complete you will be informed by email explaining the reasons for denial for the nullification.