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99h - Robotics

2024-25 99h - Robotics Competition Grant
We are excited to announce that the 99h - Robotics Competition Grant for the 2024-2025 fiscal year will open for applications on October 1, 2024. This grant program, funded with a total of $5,323,200, aims to enhance educational opportunities in STEM fields for students in grades pre-K to 12 by supporting their participation in robotics competitions. Eligible applicants, including local education agencies, public school academies, intermediate school districts, and registered nonpublic schools, will have the chance to secure funding for coaching stipends, event registrations, and other essential expenses. We encourage all interested institutions to prepare their applications and take advantage of this opportunity to foster student engagement and skill development in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Important Links
Grant Requirements 
Technical Assistance Recording
MiLogin for Business (NexSys can be accessed from MiLogin)

Please contact our office at,, with any further questions. 
October 1, 2024: Applications Open in NexSys & the Grant Requirements are Announced
October 14, 2024: Technical Assistance Webinar (see details below)
December 2, 2024: Applications due by 12 p.m.
    Internal application review
February 3, 2025: Grant Awards Announced
February - March 2025: Awards made via SAMS and SIGMA
     *All dates are subject to change at MDE's discretion.
Mailing List
The Office of Systems, Evaluation, and Technology now has a mailing list specifically for 99h grant recipients. By joining, you’ll stay informed about important updates related to your grant!

Please complete the linked form if you wish to join the 2024-25 99h Robotics Mailing List. Note that each individual requesting to be added must submit a separate form.